Remote Install Issue

I keep getting this error a remote client install of Avast error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)

File\print sharing is enabled, PC is on the domain, Network discovery is on, I can ping the PC from the deployment server and the account used to deploy Avast has admin right to the PC. What is missing here?

Yup. I have the same issue and have been pounding my head into the desk. I’ve tried EVERYTHING.

UAC disabled, firewall disabled (I have rules already made correctly for firewall but was testing with it off), using proper username for domain (domain\username) with domain admin rights (I can run net use \computer\C$ without issue). This is my log.

06/11/15 11:27:56:   rinstInstall begin
06/11/15 11:27:56:   Init 50 60 C:\Windows\TEMP\aswA97E.tmp C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Enterprise Administration\InstPkgs NULL  0
06/11/15 11:27:56:   Store
06/11/15 11:27:56:   Domains: *, 
06/11/15 11:27:56:   Init Domain\domain-TEST
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: GetAccount
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: Queueing
06/11/15 11:27:56:   StartThread
06/11/15 11:27:56:   Loop
06/11/15 11:27:56:   SpawnThreads
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: StartSetup
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: Connecting
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: OpenSCManager error 5 (Access is denied)
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: OpenSCMImpersonated
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: LogonUser Admin domain error 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: LogonUser admin domainerror 1385 (Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: RemoveOnError
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: CloseConnection
06/11/15 11:27:56:   domain-TEST: Finished with error
06/11/15 11:27:56:   TerminateAll
06/11/15 11:27:56:   rinstInstall end 0 

Runs without issue if I manually install but I don’t want to be forced to manually install.

Try to login with the account you use for deployment on the client machine first, then redeploy.

I have and verified that the account has admin rights.

Make sure to provide the Domain Credentials in the Deployment job like that:

Domain: DOMAIN
Username: DOMAIN\AdminUsername
Password: TheAdminPwd

That is how I have it.

One thing that I am wondering if it may be causing the permission issue is that we have avast EAS running on a windows 2012 server on a 2003 forest level.

This is really frustrating. I checked the windows event log from the test client and the security log shows the avast server successfully logging in with full permissions and then immediately logging off.

So, next I try the local admin account. No domain.

The EAC log shows me an error of bad username/password for the local admin install but I check the security event logs of the remote client and get a successful login event listing the local admin account I gave for the remote install!!

Is this a bug I am dealing with?!

The deployment log simply tells you what your client machine returns when the Management Console tries to logon and create the Remote Installation Service on the client computer with the specified credentials.

You can try to launch a remote command with PSEXEC.

Thanks Avosec-UK for your input.

I have solved my issue. Turns out it was the default domain group policy which contained some security policies that affected the remote install.

You are welcome.

If you want, you can contribute to the Forum by letting us know what was the GPO setting that blocked it.

It was the default domain policy that contained the permitted accounts that can run as a service. I had to add the account used to deploy the AV to the permitted accounts.