Remote without phone number

Is this possible? Or do I have to have the number? If I loose my phone and the sim is changed avast will be useless for me, right?
Tried browsing the forum for answers without any luck.

at least one number is mandatory.

Dont get it. The only way to send commands is by knowing the phone number. If the phone is lost and the sim is changed I will no longer be able to command the phone, right?

When the sim is changed, your friend numbers get SMS notification with the new number.


currently you need a phone number to send and receive SMS. Anti-Theft communicates via SMS.
You will be able to remote control your anti-theft installation on non-sim-module devices once the internet remote control is available. On many devices the credentials for the Google account get lost if the sim is changed. In these cases a sim card change can’t be reported on SIM-less devices.


Thanks Guys :slight_smile: