removal of my websites from AVAST blocking

my websites got infected and reported to google via stopbadware on 3/24-3/26.

a malicious script was injected into my openx server.

i have since fixed the problem on 3/29 with a review via stopbadware and the warning removed in my google webmaster controls:

however it has come to my attention from some friends of mine who are avast users, that avast is still blocking my sites.

my question is - how often is avast updated w/sites that have been cleaned?
is there anything i can do to bring attention to the fact my sites are now clean and should be removed from blocking by avast?

thanks -

Hi Richiedude,

This is found on your website, doing a scan with:
The site dsnextgen is suspicious…
1 suspicious inline script found outside HTML

//var doPop = 1;^^^^
function exitPop() {^^^^
if (doPop) {  }^^^^

See frame info screendump attached,


I have just visited both of the site links you analysed at and no alerts by avast.

I would however say that isn’t particularly reliable when it comes to this type of thing as its records on a site are frequently out of date.

If avast is alerting on your site, e.g. detected virus, then once that has been cleaned up then there would be no detection and no blocking. If however avast were blocking it as a malicious site (prolonged period of infection) rather than the web shield finding malicious script, etc. on a page then that would take longer to clear.

In such case you I believe you would need to contact virus (at) avast (dot) com with ‘False Positive - Network Shield,’ in the subject and the details similar to what you have posted here to have it reviewed.

No alerts here either. ???

Same here … no alerts. :slight_smile:


i tried that scan and was unable to reproduce your results.

anyone else?

Anyone else for what, we aren’t getting any alerts and avast isn’t blocking it.

If you are others then please post an image or the full URL to the alert, change the URL from http to hXXp or www to wXw, to break the link and avoid accidental exposure to suspect sites, thanks.

was wondering if anyone else was experiencing it being blocked or not w/Avast - but you seemed to have answered my question :slight_smile:

Hi RichieDude,

If the link to has not been there in the first place, so there was no link to the hidden script, so your site is not suspicious, but the threat is here not that obvious… the malcode was found on… without the video, and if some could copy that wrongly why not others? So if someone would give this in by error, you’d get infected through the frame link to, devious malcreants aren’t they?


Maybe your webspace provider fixed the problem, meanwhile…