remove avast from system startup

Hi everybody.

I tryd to remove the hook for the avast-service in the MSconfig-menu for the system startup, because I wanted to check, how avast slows down for example the defragmentation process on my laptop.
But then a popup window always tells me, that I need Administrator-rights for that action. Since I AM the administrator, I don´t know another possibility to remove avast temporarily from the system startup.
How could this be done? (without uninstalling the whole program, if possible)

my system: windows XP, service pack 3

Why don’t you simply right click on the “a” ball and select “Stop-On access protection”. The reversal is just as simple. :slight_smile:

I know this option, but there are still working avast-entrys in the process-manager after doing that.

If the resident protection is stopped, then avast! does not slow sown anything, defragmentation included.

If you really feel like you need to remove avast! startup entries, you have to disable avast! self-defense first (program settings / Troubleshooting page).

Are you just curious or is it that Windows XP defrag is really s l o w ?
There are a number of fast defrag tools but I’ve had only good results with Jeroen Kessels’ “jkdefrag” .

It works fine with avast! (And other) antivirus, and it’s free!


I’m realize this is an old thread, but it is very relevant to what I’m doing and I can offer an answer to the above question.

First some essentials. I use Home Version (I guess that’s the right vocabulary), Simple User Interface, 4.8. I’m using a very old OS, XP Pro [SP1], on an old Gateway that has very little physical memory, and, of course, RAM is quite a problem. I cannot upgrade to SP2 or SP3 and I am using another computer (the one I’m on now) for my heavy lifting.

I’ve been doing a number of things to increase physical memory, emptying the prefetch file, temp file, turn off standby, recycling system restore – all the usual tricks.

Okay, now the meat of the situation: my bootup was timed at 16 minutes with the Avast in the startup menu of msconfig and those services under the services tab.

Step-by-step I had removed every non-essantial item in the startup menu of msconfig and still 16 minutes. So I followed the instructions above and removed avast from the startup menu and the avast services under the services tab (not sure if that was necessary). Turned off “Resident Protection” and turned off the computer. Being an old fella I waited the customary 3 minutes. Turned on the computer and it took about 3 minutes to bootup. No doubt about it – I’ve been using a stop watch.

Clearly, there is a big difference when Avast is not started with the other programs in the bootup.

Here’s the kicker, though – no icons in my toolbar. I was planning on just turning off Avast before i turned off my computer and then turning it back on manually after each bootup. Troublesome, but not really so bad.

So with no icons I load Avast through the programs menu. So I get the Simple User Interface, but i can find no buttons for getting the icons back. I can’t seem to restart the online protection.

Can I go into my \Programs\Alwill and somehow turn things back on and get the icons back?

If so, is there an easier way for me to manually start and turn off Avast? Must Avast be in msconfig for me to be able to have the normal protection, whatever it’s called? I’m not referring to when I initiate a scan. Called “online protection” maybe?

The only thing I seem to be able to do right now is start a scan.

Another question, please. Will the feature “Delay loading of avast! services after other system services” actually reduce my bootup time just like just a bit ago when Avast wasn’t in the startup menu at all? Or even cause me less trouble on bootup? Just wondering.

Don’t get me wrong, folks, since my panic attack a few years ago when I drove some of you nuts and after doing some serious homework I’ve had zero trouble with your product and it’s done an absolutely fine job. On both my computers. It’s just that the Gateway is ancient, but still has it’s merits and I need the anti-baddie protection y’all are great at. But with an old HDD, a 16 to 20 minute bootup just isn’t such a good idea. Recycling is good for the environment, but what’s even better is to use things for as long as you can before you give up and run out and get that new super-duper model. Me and this Gateway are good friends, and I don’t like losing my friends. Sorry for the lecturing, but I figured by the time y’all got to the last paragraph most of you were wondering what the heck is the reason why the old fart is still using his old friend, Mr. Ancient Gateway. Well, now you might understand a bit better.

Thanks for any help, and sorry to cause some of you to read so much.

EDIT: Just found this even older thread >>

And this:

No. You should disable the avast! startup entries and disable all avast services (if you're running XP). To manual start them you should start the services. You can wirte a bat or script to do so. But avast does not have an internal option to start disabled.

How do I start the services?
