Please let me remove this feature that has just been added. Now I have hundreds of ‘critical’ warnings about unnecessary optional updates, ones for Palestinian and Moroccan authorities, server updates on my workstations and for time zone changes São Tomé and Príncipe, and Qyzylorda. When I login to the console I want to know immediately which devices need updating and alerts regarding antivirus. These false ‘alerts’ are a distraction from that.
This feature should be optional, please give me the option to remove it from the dashboard.
We are using an alternate solution for patch management (WSUS). Forcing this Patch Management on us is totally unwanted and very unappreciated. We are not going to subscribe to this product or feature.
Besides allowing us to disable this, you should give us the option to completely remove it from the console screens.
I agree it needs to be removed. Unnecessary warnings about software that is installed that are not relevant. I have no plans to use it as it could create problems of incompatibility / BSOD if I were to use it. Often KBs are removed due to issues, I don’t want this thing making more work for me.
Please to go to Device settings, enter in each profile and disable Patch Managemnt on the tab. This will disable all warnings regarding missing updates and patches and our devices will be in the “green” state again.