Techie101 once said “Questions are only silly when you don’t ask them!”.
Okay, here I go then
How can I disable the numerous notifications that pop up from the tray icon bar (‘Avast! on-access scanner message’) ? Surfing the web becomes kind of a hell since html, css, js files are continuously written in IExplorer temporary folders… Anything to do about it ?
PS: Great AV tool by the way, guys… Very nice work !
PPS: If you’re looking for a French translator… You got one !
Hi i think he is talkin about the notification messages that pop up when surfin the net & when files are checked.Just right click the tray icon(little blue ball with a on it)& select the top menu item(on access protection) & then click details & change the option 2 notify 2 off, but don’t switch on silent mode or U won’t get any alerts at all
jeankevin, which version are you using, Home or Pro? I’m using the Home version but it sounds like you’re talking about the script blocker in Pro.
Edit: BanziBaby, I didn’t see your reply until after I posted mine. I think it must be the script blocker because after following your instructions I don’t see an option for notifications in the Home version of avast.
BanzyBanzy was almost right regarding instructions, while Amerk_5 was right, saying he couldn’t do it
I am using Avast! 4.0 Home Edition and I finally got it not to display what I was talking about (thanks to BanzyBanzy anyway) by :
right clicking the blue ball > choosing the first item ('On-access protection control) > expanding details > choosing standard VShield > clicking Customize… > choosing the ‘advanced’ tab > unchecking ‘show detailed info on performed action’