Remove pop-up notifications from tray icon bar

Techie101 once said “Questions are only silly when you don’t ask them!”.
Okay, here I go then :wink:

How can I disable the numerous notifications that pop up from the tray icon bar (‘Avast! on-access scanner message’) ? Surfing the web becomes kind of a hell since html, css, js files are continuously written in IExplorer temporary folders… Anything to do about it ?

  • JK

PS: Great AV tool by the way, guys… Very nice work !
PPS: If you’re looking for a French translator… You got one !


Oh that Techie…What a guy!

I need to know what messages you are getting that you wish to “silence”.

Are you getting “alarms” or are you speaking of notifications of updates and new program builds?

I am not sure of what you mean by Avast causing a a problem when you are surfing. Can you provide more details?

“Questions are even sillier when I can’t answer them. hahaha”

Techie ;D

Hi i think he is talkin about the notification messages that pop up when surfin the net & when files are checked.Just right click the tray icon(little blue ball with a on it)& select the top menu item(on access protection) & then click details & change the option 2 notify 2 off, but don’t switch on silent mode or U won’t get any alerts at all

Hope It Helps

BaNzI ;D

jeankevin, which version are you using, Home or Pro? I’m using the Home version but it sounds like you’re talking about the script blocker in Pro.

Edit: BanziBaby, I didn’t see your reply until after I posted mine. I think it must be the script blocker because after following your instructions I don’t see an option for notifications in the Home version of avast.

BanzyBanzy was almost right regarding instructions, while Amerk_5 was right, saying he couldn’t do it :slight_smile:

I am using Avast! 4.0 Home Edition and I finally got it not to display what I was talking about (thanks to BanzyBanzy anyway) by :
right clicking the blue ball > choosing the first item ('On-access protection control) > expanding details > choosing standard VShield > clicking Customize… > choosing the ‘advanced’ tab > unchecking ‘show detailed info on performed action’

Much more pleasant right now, I have to say ;D

  • JK

Glad 2 have helped jeankevin ;D

I’ve not long starteed usin the prog myself, so am learning as i go along :o

BaNzI 8)