Removing/uninstalling Avast! from Ubuntu 8.04


i installed ‘avast! Linux Home Edition’ on Ubuntu 8.04 using following commands

sudo dpkg -i avast4workstation_1.0.8-2_i386.deb
cd /usr/lib/avast4workstation/share/avast/desktop
sudo ./ install

it installed successfully, but it is taking too much time to start also the CPU usage increases to nearly 100%.
It is not shown in ‘add/remove applications’ so i am not able to remove it from here.
Please guide me how i can remove or uninstall it completely…
(Please help as i am new to Linux)

best regards…

removing applications = removing their data, binaries and config files. :slight_smile: Ubuntu’s “add/remove applications” is few levels above this desired functionality (dpkg and some kind of a package-selector is usually between) and might not show correct state.

Anyway, when you used the *.deb package for installation, you can use it for de-installation as well. From terminal, type:

dpkg --get-selections | grep avast (will give list of avast-product installed on your system)
dpkg -r product-name (will deinstall product, you must be root to do this)

so, dpkg -r avast4workstation should solve it.
