Removing Upgrade Popup

I would like to know how to remove the popup that informs me about upgrading to 5.xx

I’ve looked around the forums and have noticed that while there are many replies to upgrade to 5. There are none informing people of the procedure to kill the popup.

So, to be clear, this is the only piece of information I am looking for. How do I kill the annoying popup? I will not be upgrading to any other version of the software.

If you (the collective of forum posters) do not have an answer should I take this to customer service?

Again, I am aware that version 5.x/6.x is out and that support for 4.8 could end any second. I will not be upgrading. I want to know if I can make a modification to the existing program to stop the popup.

Thank you.

A simple Google search will give you the solution(you have to use the hosts file…)

Is the information contained here correct?

That should work but I wouldn’t call it a solution, it doesn’t prolong the inevitable, but that is your choice.

Unbelievable how difficult that was to kill. I’ll post the solution later. I’d suggest that this be kept bumped or stickied. Lots of people have this problem it seems.

Because they want people to continue to be protected.

And that is great. However, when the message is set to popup several times a session, can not be suppressed anywhere in the program and is placed so that it is “on top” of all other windows, I call that intrusive.

Well, you can call it intrusive - that’s up to you. :wink:
Nevertheless, it’s all about protecting the users, as the support for the old version will end rather soon.

Sorry if this appears blunt, but I honestly can’t understand the reluctance to update to avast 5.x and soon to be avast 6.0 unless your OS doesn’t support avast 5 or higher (win9.x, winME).

So if you have no intention of updating then now would be the time to look for a replacement to avast 4.8 if the update irritates you so much. Or you can try the workaround until the plug is pulled on avast 4.8.

I have Avast Pro version 11.1.2253 with plenty of time left. However, I object to popups arriving most days saying that I need to speed up my PC or have this some other feature, go through the routine of speeding up my PC, or whatever, only to be told that I need to have the Premium version. I’m happy to be told my lience is to expire shortly, but I don’t want a nag coming up all the time for this feature or that. How can I stop it?

You can disable the ads in the paid versions.
Avast GUI → Settings → Popups