I am a long time user of Avast Free. Perhaps I am no longer welcome?
I am developing vision problems and it is harder each month to be certain I can believe what I think I am seeing.
I got a 12 day time to update notice today. I started the renew process. The first thing I encountered was a page saying that the paid version was recommended. I persisted in saying I wanted the Free version. The next page seemed to be yet another paid upgrade and I declined.
I don’t seem to have renewed.
Is my best option to uninstall, then reinstall? Why should renewal be so difficult?
I may have solved my own problem. I opened Avast from the icon in my System Tray and the update was simple and straightforward. It was just the ‘nag message’ buried in the Avast version I was running that sent me down a difficult to navigate (with my vision) path.
At this point all I apparently need to do is reboot to be ‘good for another year.’
I don’t know the policy for Accessibility, but these things really should be tested, not just in the lower UI levels but for promotions/ads/popups, etc. Also there has to be a clear way to decline an offer (not just for the visually impaired) other than having to close the window using the X (close button) on the top right of the window.