Renew product subscription for Avast Prof.ver.4.8?

I want to renew existing annual subscription for Avast Prof.ver.4.8, because I can not upgrade to version 5 (technical problem).
It is possible and where?

Hmmm… support for version 4.8 will end (by the end of the year?).
What is your technical problem installing version 5?
Are you using Windows 98 or Me?

The problem is described in this thread.
Yes, I know the possible solution but PC has other Windows update problem and I don’t have the time to fix them.

Your OS and Browser seem very very old ! IE6 and SP2 has been avaible for year(s)

As i see maybe a format will can help to resolve your problem of windows update or maybe to wait a second way from a user ?

I can just say many bugs did got fixed in .507 :wink:
