Hi, I am very confused regarding discounted offer that pop-up on my PC directly by the Avat software, in that it’s more expensive that the offer via the web portal from my account by £5
I have never considered upgrading my Avast Free as it meets my requirements, so I have never followed these discount links through. So I don’t have don’t have any personal experience of the discounts offered.
One thing for sure, I wouldn’t purchase a license via Amazon or Ebay, etc. as there is no way to check it comes from a legitimate source and isn’t a hack/cracked license. Whilst some may well be legit and could come from an Avast reseller, difficult to confirm. However, a reseller would only have a limited discount from avast and they have to earn something from the deal. If something seems to good to be true, often it is too good to be true.
I know what you mean David, but this one is sold directly by Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
So if I was to order and it didn’t register the license within my Avast account, I will be requesting full refund and a bad review will follow.
I don’t know if purchasing from Amazon EU S.a.r.L is the same as purchasing from Avast any refund I would have thought would be down to Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
Its weird things like this that makes me wonder about buying licenses like this, even if I was going to upgrade from avast free which I have been using for almost 14 years.
If it is legit, I would wonder why Avast would sell at such a price on Amazon yet purchasing directly from Avast or its agents Digital River, etc. is so much more expensive. It would just be pushing customers away from purchases and renewals directly from Avast.
Also the Automatic Payment renewal doesn’t give any discount as far as I’m aware, were there used to be a renewal discount (when done through the program UI). But that doesn’t seem to be the case with auto payment renewal.
Since they actually come from different sources there is likely to be differences.
Presumably from your my.avast.com account it would/should know if you have an existing 3PC license so offers that.
What I don’t know is if the avastUI would know you have a 3PC license, just that you have a valid license for that PC. Given that the popup doesn’t mention if this is for a 3 PC license or not, if it were only for a single PC, that would be a pretty poor option.
From my.avast.com account, it recognises I have avast free and it offers other options for paid products. But it fails to correctly detect/display the Currency (as £) and the price is given as $59.99 which would be close to £39.99 that you show in Image2. I believe it is common to display the price in $ and convert it if you take up the offer.
But this just makes the whole issue confusing, two users different pricing. Pretty hard to get a definitive price.
For me the biggest competitor of the avast paid products is avast free.