Renewal of the key for "Free Avast v. 5"


I just register in this forum. I speak French because my English is not very good. I tried the link “Goodman77:” in the topic “” for the forum in French, but no. So I use google to translate.

I have a question, but I do not know if I’m in the right place? If so, please apologize and put the message to the right place.

My question is: "I use free Avast 5.0.507 and my key will expire May 1, 2010. I wonder why I can make a new key request at once?
In less than a month! ? And even with a new key, I can not immediately registered? Could you tell me about it.

Thank you in advance.


When you get nearer to the date avast will notify you to renew until that time you can’t manually enter a new key even if you have one or use the avastUI (avast User Interface) to register.

When it is closer to the time, the avastUI will change and the Maintenance, Registration section will allow for either a registration using the UI or manually inserting the registration key if you got it on-line.