I paid my renewal charge (£139.99) on Jan 4 and received an invoice showing the payment was received. Nothing was downloaded and no licence or activation code received. Advice shown on the invoice was to call an American number to get help. Since I reside in ROI the cost of that would be “prohibitive” Tried to contact various help centres without success. has anyone else experienced such problems?
I am at the stage now of removing Avast from my system and replacing it with Mcafee at a fraction of the cost for equivalent protection.
I use Avast pro antivirus on this laptop and Mcafee internet security on my other. I often look at the test results for these programs on AV-comparatives and AV-test sites. The results has been for a long time that Avast scores better of the two. The most dissapointing concerning McAfee is that it scores in some tests even worse then Microsofts Security. Avast has improwed its test results but McAfee is declining or stays at the lower end of the list of tested vendors. Although I haven´t been comprimised on either of the two computers it has made me consider that when my McAfee license runs out change to another brand probably Avast or some of the others who scores at top level. Othervise I like the layout and functions of McAfee, but the main reason to have a paid or free version of an antivirusprogram is the ability to protect you from threats right ? So compare products over time not only the latest test but for a longer period and chose the one that fullfills your needs of protection and functionallity.