Renewed my subscription V 2015.10.2.2218 & LOST ALL MY BOOKMARKS & SETTINGS!!!

I AM SOOOO ANGRY!!! I revewed my subscription, for which Avast forced a restart.

After the restart, ALL OF MY BOOKMARKS AND SETTINGS ARE GONE!!! I do research for a not for profit and I had a TON of private configured pages save and much, much more!


Better process, really?? I THINK NOT!

Addtl info, all bookmarks and setting sin Chrome Version 42.0.2311.152 m

But every single setting, ALL of my bookmarks, hours & hours with of research and locating sites, all GONE

Renewing a license is not making avast to reboot the system.

And where is your backup ?

Hi Jack,

sorry to hear that but we really don’t touch Chrome bookmarks during update, it seems more related to the fact that PC restarted rather than Avast updated…
Please try to update Chrome as the latest version is 43.0.2357.6 and also log into Chrome as your bookmarks are usually backed up on Google servers.


btw. for Eddy - it might happen program update, when license is inserted to old program version.

Note taken Martin.
As I see it the new license was entered without a program update.

please let us know if it was only entering the new license or was there also a update ?
Either for avast, windows update or something else.