I have read the Avast Help on the topic on VRDB re “Virus Recovery Database”;
From within the Help File I could not find the topic how to use same to repair a computer?
Also I could not locate same from any search results within this forum or in my searches with Google
Your comments would be appreciated
I always wish to be prepared in case at a later date have problems?
[From Australia]
Have a look HERE
Thanks to Eddy,
Had a look within your suggestion? However I cound not locate the topic I was looking for?
The details I require for are = If a person has a computer problem and wishes to use/restore the “VRDB” formed files to back into his computer =.
Now require the programming proceedures/method on how to use the saved "VRDB’ files to repair one’s computer!
Avast will use the files in the VRDB automaticly if it is not able to repair a file during a scan. The VRDB is NOT like a drive image or complete backup. You can manually select the files to put back from the VRDB.
The process is done internally and automatically by avast. The user can’t handle it manually.
The files (executables) will be repaired by VRDB is possible when the user chooses ‘Repair’.