Repeat / Loop Scanning

On a Thorough Scan with Archive scan enabled, the scanning process seems to loop through a repeat scanning.

My O/S is Win XP.

I stopped the scan mid-way through its repeat performance.


Best regards,

Zola ???

Was it an archive file which was scanned in a loop ?
If you don’t know, you may display all scanned files to the report and have a look.


“Was it an archive file which was scanned in a loop” ?

All files were selected for sclanning in the “thorough” scan mode.

I may have worded my question awkwardly.

Avarst! scanned my computer and when it reached the end of my second hard disk, it started the scanning process all over again.

Can you help?



How long did you leave it running? The scanned files that are reported in the main window can be a bit misleading - if I were you, I’d try to run it overnight to really make sure it’s looping…

You could also turn on generation of the report file (via program Settings dialog), and verify there really are duplicates…

Thanks, VLK …

Will run overnight, initiate report and advise if the anomaly persists.

Zola ;D