Every time I reboot my PC and open ASB I get told it can’t update so I need to do it manually. So I do and next time the same thing happens again. Version 130.0.27176.93 and the error reported is Update check failed to start (error code 1: 0X80004005 – system level)… Getting very annoying
Same issue but I am getting instruction to reinstall. Don’t want to lose bookmarks and saved PW… Anyone answering that can address both of these issues?
I have re-installed without losing tabs - I don’t save passwords in the browser - I prefer a separate tool such as Bitwarden which is portable so not locked into one browser
Hello ‘Dave93’ welcome to the Avast Community Forum.
Before reinstalling export your settings:
How to Backup your Avast Secure Browser settings:
Make a note of where you save the settings so you can restore them.
we’re deploying an emergency fix for an unexpected issue related to our updater. If you’re getting the “Browser is outdated” notification bubble, please:
- restart the Browser
- go to the Settings menu, then About page
- Browser will start checking for an update & will download and install it
- Restart the browser
Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused and thank you for using our browser.
I get
An error occurred while checking for updates: Update check failed to start (error code 1: 0X80004005 – system level).
Version 130.0.27176.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)
So no help I’m afraid
please restart the computer and try again. If the issue persists, please provide us your diagnostic information that you can find by opening the following url in the browser: secure://settings/diagnosticInfo .
Thank you
Thanks for the response - it happens after every restart. Info as follows:
executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe
profile_path=C:\Users\dave_\AppData\Local\AVAST Software\Browser\User Data\Default
os_version=Windows 11 v23H2 (x64)
av_version=Not installed
urlscanner_version=Builtin urlscanner
browser_version=130.0.27176.93 (Official Build (64-bit))
Channel: stable
OS language: en-us
Browser language: en-US
Search Engine URL: https://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:iOSSearchLanguage}{google:prefetchSource}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}{google:contextualSearchVersion}ie={inputEncoding}
Omaha version: 1.8.1697.6
Subscription Information:
Subscription id:
Issue date:
Expiration date:
License period:
Status: Free
Enabled extensions:
ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : 0.2
beghmmhchncjignfbfnemngnlnjdmbcb : Anti-Fingerprinting : 2.6.240
dmfdacibleoapmpfdgonigdfinmekhgp : Avast SecureLine VPN :
gjcfnponmdkenfdibginkmlmediekpnm : Messaging :
hglfhehnlngcghjibkocbphocccdoipk : Side Panel : 1.3.397
jfijboeaeajnoejbcdbhejlnmhepeige : NTP Extension : 3.27.367
mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chromium PDF Viewer : 1
njgehaondchbmjmajphnhlojfnbfokng : Video Downloader PLUS : 6.5.5
nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : 1.3.21
nmkinhboiljjkhaknpaeaicmdjhagpep : Fluff Busting Purity :
nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb : Bitwarden Password Manager : 2024.12.4
onochehmbbbmkaffnheflmfpfjgppblm : Privacy Guard : 5.0.555
Disabled extensions:
lhnnoklckomcfdlknmjaenoodlpfdclc : Avast Bank Mode :
mjcjbfohnabnpeahjjdeiimbinifjmad : AI Chat : 0.0.136