Repeated notification of blocking trojans and viruses

I continually receive messages about avast! blocking trojans and viruses on my Win7 machine, even when I don’t have my Chrome browser active. I’m concerned, but there is not any information given about which website was being used when the threat occurred. It sounds like it blocked it and took care of it. But why does it keep happening? I’m attaching a copy of the latest occurence at 3:29pm today. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I’m only using the free version. I don’t receive the same notifications on my XP home machine, but I don’t go on the internet at much with that machine.

you probably have visicom antiphishing toolbar installed…
remove it and your problem should be gone…

it can be removed from ad remove programs…

or run AdwCleaner.
you may post the log here

Thank you for the suggestion. I deleted the blekko toolbar and anti-phising toolbar. It corrupted my Chrome settings, but this computer is fairly new, so not too much was lost. I didn’t think of backing anything up (I usually do), but if you could make suggestions on how to do that, it might help other people.

BTW, how do I find my posts? I clicked on my messages, but posts don’t seem to appear there. It’s rather cumbersome to wade through everything, to try and find my posts. While typing, I just thought of searching on my user id. I’ll try that. I also had tried to reply before, and forgot to type in the characters for verification. It told me this, gave me the option to go back, but when I typed them in, it gave me a message that I had already submitted this reply. I’m trying it again, but I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong!


What screen is that? I usually have a red pop up above my clock… I never saw avast blocking this way, showing an entire web page?

Thanks for your time!


BTW, how do I find my posts
on top when logged in: profile > summary > show post (on left side)

if you click the button on the red popup…then you get the picture he posted

I have the exact same problem with my computer with the same message. I ran the AdwCleaner and have attached the log. Looks like it deleted some stuff. Hopefully that warning will stop popping up.

it removed

Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Anti-phishing Domain Advisor Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Anti-phishing Domain Advisor Value Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [Anti-phishing Domain Advisor]

if this does not solve it, start your own topic where you attach the logs from this guide