My report file weighs 2.5GB and i cannot view its contents. I have but two simple questions: can the file get this big and can i safely remove it?
What report file exactly do you mean?
The one from “full scan”
Well if you didn’t change the default settings (which I believe is writing only infected items into the report file, and possibly files where an error occurred during their scan), I’d find the report of that size unlikely.
If the settings were changed so that all scanned files, including “OK files”, were included in the report (which I believe is only possible via geek settings in the current UI), and if you ran that scan repeatedly or periodically… then the report could grow that big after a while. Of course it also depends on how many files you have on your disk.
You could use a better editor/viewer to open that file - one that doesn’t need to load the whole file into memory line Notepad does (e.g. the viewer in Total Commander would show you what’s inside).
Yes, you can safely remove the file, it’s just a report.
Thanks and good day to you.