Report generation question.

I know how to create a task that will run a report that will tell me what machines were infected for last week and email me that report. I also know how to schedule that report to run once a week/month/year/whatever. What I would like to know now though is can I generate that report and email it to me on a weekly basis ONLY IF there was a machine that got infected with a virus last week. If no machines detected a virus I don’t want the report generated. I know this involves dynamic computer groups somehow but I am unable to put the pieces of the puzzle together. So my algorithim is :

If Saturday then
     If Any computer infected last week = True Then
          Generate infected computer report and email to me
           Do Nothing

How do I do this in ADNM?

Well… I’m afraid such a thing is not currently possible. :-\

It would involve creating a concept of conditional task - something which is currently not supported. And I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for ADNM v2 to have such a feature (it would require considerable changes in the server logic… - at least if it’s to be done properly).


Bummer. :-\ How about this in the meantime. Is there a way to create a dynamic group for computers currently infected?