There is an apparently very good, certainly exceptionally well reviewed and increasingly popular game that has been released recently called “Gone Home”. In researching the system specs I came across this on the home web site which might well be of interest to other gamers here :-
“We’ve discovered that Avast! Antivirus can cause problems with the game. If you’re seeing a crash immediately upon starting the game, please disable your antivirus entirely (“game mode” is not enough) and try again. As an alternative to disabling the software completely, you might also try the following: In Avast!, go to Settings → Troubleshooting → disable Hardware-Assisted Virtualization → Reboot your machine.”
It would be helpful if Avast looked into this problem too because AVs interfering with or preventing the running of any safe program is the sort of thing that annoys users a great deal.
As a matter of interest how, in circumstances like this, do you temporarily disable Avast entirely?