Proof of their delayed response… >:(
from: element 5 Notification
to: me
date: Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:21 AM
subject: Información sobre el pago (n.º de pedido de element 5: 424619085)
N.º de pedido de element 5: 424619085
Éste es un mensaje generado automáticamente. La dirección desde la que se
envió el mensaje es una dirección diseñada para el envío y no para la
recepción de mensajes. En caso de dudas, consulte el apartado SERVICIO DE
Estimado/a cliente:
Muchas gracias por su pedido a element 5.
Hemos cargado USD 39.99 a su tarjeta de crédito (American Express).
Recuerde que en el extracto de la tarjeta aparecerá “DRI*”.
Encontrará información detallada sobre el envío en un mensaje de correo
electrónico enviado al mismo tiempo que este mensaje.
Adjunta a este mensaje de correo electrónico encontrará la factura
correspondiente a su pedido en formato PDF.
Si tiene alguna pregunta técnica o de contenido acerca del producto,
diríjase directamente a AVAST Software a.s…
Podrá ponerse en contacto con él en la siguiente dirección el sitio web, donde recibirá asistencia técnica.
RIGHT TO REVOCATION: As a consumer, you may revoke your contractual
declaration within 14 days, without providing a reason, in written form,
e.g. letter, fax, e-mail, or, if the item was delivered before this period
expires, by returning the item. This period commences upon receipt of this
explanation in written form, but not before the goods are received by the
recipient in the case of the delivery of goods (in the case of recurring
deliveries of the same type of goods, not before the receipt of the first
partial delivery), in the case of the provision of services, not before the
conclusion of the contract, and both for the provision of services and for
goods deliveries, not before we have fulfilled our duty to supply
information in accordance with Article 246 Section 2 in conjunction with
Section 1 (1) and (2) of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code
(“EGBGB”) as well as our obligations according to Section 312e (1) Sentence
1 of the BGB in combination with Article 246 Section 3 of the EGBGB. The
right to revocation will be treated as exercised on the date of posting the
notice of revocation or the date of dispatching the returned Product.
The revocation must be addressed to:
Digital River GmbH, Vogelsanger Straße 78, 50823 Köln, Germany
Fax: +49 (0) 221 310 88 29
You can also contact us using the following link:
LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: If you exercise the above right to revocation, each
party shall return to the other party the services received under the
agreement, including benefits thereof (e.g. interest). If you are not able
to return the Products, in whole or in part, or if the Products are
defective, you are required to pay compensation. In the case of the
provision of services, this can lead to a situation where you must still
fulfill your contractual payment obligations for the period up to the date
of revocation. This does not apply to Products, the deterioration of which
is due solely to their inspection, as would occur in shops. You may avoid
having to pay compensation for Products damaged as a result of their being
used as intended, by not making use of the Products as if they were your
property and by taking reasonable care of the Products. Items that can be
shipped by parcel post are to be returned at our risk. You must bear the
costs of returning the Products if the supplied goods correspond to those
ordered and if the price of the items to be returned does not exceed forty
(40) euro or, where your order has a higher value, if you have not yet
rendered payment or a contractually agreed part payment by the time of
revocation. Otherwise, returns are free-of-charge for you. Items that
cannot be shipped by parcel post will be collected from you. Obligations to
reimburse payments must be met within thirty (30) days. The period
commences for you upon dispatch of your declaration of revocation or the
item; for us it commences upon receipt of the same.
PLEASE NOTE: In the case of a service, your right to revocation expires
prematurely if the contract was completely fulfilled by both parties at
your express request before you exercised your right of revocation.
PLEASE NOTE: You have no right to revocation:
If audio or video recordings or software have been supplied and you have
broken the seal on the data carrier.
If Products have been supplied that have been manufactured in line with
your specifications or personal requirements, or which cannot be returned
because of their nature.
Respuestas a preguntas frecuentes / contacto:
Los datos de su pedido:
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Condiciones generales de venta:
El equipo de element 5
element 5 - a service of digital river -
Digital River GmbH
Vogelsanger Str. 78, D-50823 Colonia, Alemania
Gerentes: John Strosahl, Carsten Grüttner
Sede de la sociedad: Colonia / HRB 56188 / Juzgado de 1ª Instancia de