Hai everyone,
Is there anyone want me to make a sig or avatar?
I’m going to try my best to help those who want a sig or avatar. If it is ugly then sorry.
Give some idea of what you want? colors? themes? anything?!
Thanks and hope this will be supported.
Wow I see and that’s a old post as it was posted on 2004 but is still there are post on 2008. S.Z.Craftec is creative and expert. He’s great and he make the avatar looks 3D. I wonder what Program he’s using.
He is what i would call a graphics guru. Very talented.
SZC was here as early as 2003 i think. Besides of doing hundreds of avatars for avast! forum members and helping out with various pc problems, he also made quite a few skins for avast! v4 .
Unfortunately he isn’t around as much as he used to be and i think alot of the older forum members here really miss his contributions to the forum, i know i do. But he is a very busy guy with a young family to take care of so i understand his lack of spare time for this forum completely.
i understand his lack of spare time for this forum completely.
Fully agree with you Mikey but as another recipient of a few custom made avatars
from the master (SZC), I don't mind saying that he is missed.
Would be nice if he could just show his face on here every once in a while. :)
Actually this forum without SZC is not really the avast webforum, he is a graphical wizard with an enormous talent and extended knowledge in that field. Unique is the only word that comes to my mind,
Off topic. I don’t know Sasha Zivanovic (I cannot keep track of his forum name anymore…) well but he seems to be satisfied with Mac and another anti-virus program, which makes browsing here unnecessary for him. I understand the feeling of old forum members since he seems to have posted quite a lot in those days, though.
On topic. To rassel, since Sasha seems to be occupied, I think there should be some people interested in your kind offer. In my case, however, I don’t take avatar too seriously, which is why I just picked up a picture on the net and use it as my avatar, and probably don’t wroth your efforts.
Actually this forum without SZC is not really the avast webforum, he is a graphical wizard with an enormous talent and extended knowledge in that field. Unique is the only word that comes to my mind,
can't agreed with you anymore Damian-Sasha is missed for his graphic input and his computer input and lastly his humor input :D
hope him and his family are doing well and Sasha you are missed
wonder who made my avatars ::) ;D
Well, I ask you to make an avatar for me, then. The theme is based on the old folklore. And please don’t hesitate to put your logo or signature on your work.
Off Topic
Correct me if I am wrong but he has never been a part of Avast! team. He changes his forum name rather frequently but this is [b][u][color=blue]his profile.
Probably not but I think he’s gotten free license for Avast Pro for a certain period if I remember correctly. I may have mistaken him for someone else, though.
Yes that’s true even though I can’t take this as a big deal. Many forum members are changing their names quite often and they also change their avatars. MacLover is Mac now, Tech wasn’t always Tech (Technical), and so on and so on… even you who brought all this up changed your own nickname. So, what’s the big deal with him changing it ? Forum profile is always the same in case you haven’t noticed it.
He may have gotten free avast Pro license, but that is far from “being paid”. No one gave him this license for free, he deserved it with his hard and dedicated work in this forum. The reward came after he did all he did for this forum, so it can not be under any circumstances called “pay”. On the other hand it seems like you’re the only one in this thread who has something against him and silently trying to apply something that simply is not true. It is obvious when reading through your lines in replies above.
BTW, Tech also received free avast! Pro license and I am pretty sure he wasn’t the only one, there are quite few people that received it. They all deserved it with their huge dedication and unselfish help they provide.
@Russel - do not be afraid of using Photoshop or any other utility that would help you achieve your goals. I am sure you would be wonderful addition to avast! community, just keep exploring Photoshop.
I’m not against him. I wonder why you see things in this way. The reason why I mentioned the frequency of changing the profile is it was simply hard for me to track him especially when I know his contribution or at least part of it. Also, I didn’t mean free license is payment and, in fact, I denied the possibility of payment by saying “probably not.” The license issue is just an addendum and you can take it as a joke since it is rather stupid to regard it “payment.” ;D
I understand the feeling of old forum members’ missing him, but it is rassel who is trying to volunteer in this thread.
It’s nice to see someone tries to encourage him, though.
Thanks to one of my forum pals for drawing my attention to this thread.
No, I wasn’t paid for what I did. It was pure love, everything I do in my life. I never do anything that does not make me happy. In a matter of fact, avast! Pro license came pretty late (because one Alwil member apparently caught that no one offered that license to me so he thought they should do that), almost a whole year after I created all those skins. And I am quite sure that creating avatars does not have anything to do with free license. That was my little welcome note to new avast! users. I didn’t have to do that, no one ever asked me but I still wanted to do a small favor to everyone who felt they could use new avatar. That’s all.
Another little thing… I have never asked for free license, it wouldn’t do that ever. Even when I received it from Alwil, for next 2 months I still used my avast! Home Edition not activating Pro license. Tech was the one who told me not to feel bad about receiving it, so I should use it… then at that point I finally activated it. It wouldn’t also be nice to say no to Alwil after they offered it to me. So, I believe this is pretty clear.
Thanks to my forum friends for their inputs in this thread, I really appreciate it. I love you guys and you all know that very well. I just don’t like the fact that this thread took completely different way… it should be all about Rassel and he trying to help other forum members by creating some graphics for them, not about me. I am not even here anymore… well, not that often as before, but I still read forums from time to time, it’s just I don’t want to post here anymore. I have my reasons.
Rassel - as someone stated above, do not be affraid of experimenting. Nothing bad can happen. There is no better way to become good artist then practising. Just open your GFX utility and play with it. I am sure avast! forum members will appreciate it.
Rassel - good luck with making avatars for the forum members who request them. I hope you get many opportunities.
@Russel - do not be afraid of using Photoshop or any other utility that would help you achieve your goals. I am sure you would be wonderful addition to avast! community, just keep exploring Photoshop.
Thanks Charley and Mr.Hithere as i just started to use photoshop but is quite difficult for me. So is there anyone here know a better and more simple program to use? Don't say that "Use Paint, It is most easy program".
Aww MAN! And here I was getting to recommend the awesome, Wizard, King, Master Standard by which all Drawing Programs are judged — the all mighty Windows Paint. ;D That is what I used for MY Avatar … Uhhh, if that’s what I have up there. Well, it’s Paint and WordArt from MS Word.
Anyway, Rassell, what about Photoshop Essentials? Isn’t that supposed to be like a simpler version of Photoshop? I too have Photoshop on my To Do / To Learn List. I have I have the book and the software. I just haven’t had the time that I know will be required for some serious full, focused attention to really grasp the intricacies of Photoshop.