Required Chrome install messed up my registry

The Chrome autoinstall changed my registry settings so that things broke when I uninstalled Chrome.

I’ve found in the past that Chrome’s autoupdate takes over my CPU at random times (seen as ‘setup.exe’) so I uninstalled it then. However, after uninstalling the version installed with Avast, clicking links in emails and on some Firefox pages was broken as described at because Chrome changed some registry settings.

Please provide an option for users who don’t want to install Chrome.

There is. I have made it a habit of looking at every screen during an install. The reason is that anymore a lot of software comes with some sort of surprise. Be it opt-in or opt-out. avast comes with an opt-out for Chrome. :slight_smile:

I guess that’s what I get for clicking “Custom Install” and expecting to see all the options without reading everything in the splash window. >:(

With some testing it’s easy to determine what users are most likely to overlook during installation.