Reregister Free Version

I’ve been getting red boxes popping up telling me that my free version of Avast is going to expire in 15 days. I click the red pop-up and attempt to reregister it for free and nothing happens. I leave the program running but it stays stuck in my taskbar and when I click the program in my taskbar to see if it’s doing anything to give me new registration info and nothing happens.
I’ve tried going to the Avast website to get a registration key and I haven’t received anything.
Running Win2k with all service packs.

Also is there a way to have Avast update itself when I say “It’s okay to update” rather than having my computer hang for a few minutes while I’m in the middle of something?

You could try with a different email address as it is almost instantaneous that the email is sent. Does your ISP use a spam filter ?

Try the SSL Registration Page:, choose the third option, “I’m a registered user and my key has expired and I need a new one,” or words to that effect.

The auto update for the VPS Update is incremental and is measured in KBs rather than MBs so it shouldn’t take long, or use much CPU % <30% If you don’t have much RAM (what is your CPU and RAM ?) that may have an impact, but it shouldn’t take very long.

Program updates are set to Ask as they are obviously going to be much larger, so you wouldn’t want that set to auto, you could change the VPS Updates to Ask. Personally I don’t believe this is required, as if yours is taking a long time there is something else wrong.