Rescue CD creation failure

I apologize ahead of time if this is redundant. I searched but found little in the way of my problem.

During the creation of the rescue CD it completes the kit download and signatures but errors out with a “Creation Failed” dialog and no ISO is written. Event viewer indicates the installation kit install completed but no other messages or errors.

I’ve made sure I have plenty of free space on my boot drive for the process as Avast will not use the drive it is installed on (in this case D drive) as temporary space.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I have similar problem, error Failed to create Rescue Disk.

I’d just upgraded free version to Internet Security with lot of work. Automatic upgrade failed, but I managed to download and install using link from Avast email. So I’m quite disapointed using payed version of Avast. Never had problem using free version.

Hello, ape1 and welcome to avast forum!

Can you please attach EventLog.log which located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\ (windows 7) or C:\Documets and settings\All users\Application Data\ (windows xp)?
Are you able to save ISO image into the folder?

EventLog.log attached
I’m not able to save .iso file (on second try) because it does not ask for saving any rescue.iso
On first try avast setup might have asked to save iso file, but I’m not sure

ape1, please follow this instruction and try to save ISO file into the folder (you should click ‘CD’ button):

If it fails, please, attach fresh EventLog.log log file.

ok, now clicked CD (not USB) and it asked to save rescue_dick.iso Browsed Desktop, same error

What is your OS?

Win 8.1 eng

Please create a support ticket here:
describe your problem and attach EventLog.log

same here.when i cilck on CD,and trying to save download ISO,download don’t start,it hangs for hours without downloading nothing.i have W8.1 x 64

freak777, do you have the same “Rescue Disc - WinPE2 creator init failed, EC 00000002” error in your EventLog.log?

please,help me to find this type of event,the registry of events is bigger than the whole world.
but the problem is that the download don’t start!i’m not the only one!this is an Avast problem,no t mine or the other users.

Attach please EventLog.log which located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\ . If it’s too big save only 20-30 last entries.

25/01/2014 17:31:09 Rescue Disc - WinPE installer download failed, EC 000004c7

Please try to download Windows ADK ( and install only two parts of it:

Deployment Tools
Windows Preinstallation Environment (Wndows PE)

This should bypass “WinPE installer download failed” error from EventLog.

I wound up solving my problem (original post in this thread) by creating the disk on another machine with quite a bit more space on the C: drive. Avast wants to install the WinPE builder on the C: drive regardless of which drive Avast itself is installed on.

I don’t think it’s same problem for me.
I have 90 GB free disk space on C:

Created avast support ticket…