Rescue Disc not working, if created with latest version

After updating Avast Free to version 18.1.2326 (build 18.1.3800.0), i created a fresh Rescue CD (which i usually do after upgrades).
But in attempting to test it, it wont start up properly. Boot stops with error message “Unable to launch main Avast Rescue shell, aswShell.exe!”

Interestingly, the last Rescue CD (from Nov 2017) does work still, but wont have the newest Virus definitions.

I tried several times, but result always was the same: disc image gets created, but will get stuck during boot.

What should/could i do next?

Hi, reported it for you.

I am having exactly the same problem when trying to boot from CD. I have also tried creating a USB boot drive and this will not boot at all.

It’s been reported to Avast.

Is now working after latest update.

tried on latest version installed 03/05/2020, now does not work

Also see this thread:

Time to update to the new release. :slight_smile: