i want to try out a program called RegCompact.Net, it defragments the registry, compact, and generate new optimized registry files, at least that’s what it says.
My question is that how do i create a “rescue disk” so that i can just put the cd in and everything goes back to normal in case something goes wrong?
Or cheaper still get Drive Image 7 from ebay if you can this is the last version from Power Quest before they were bought out by Symantec who also own Ghost. The latest version of Symantec/Norton Ghost is a combination of the supposed best bits of Drive Image & Ghost. Some don’t like this first incarnation. There is a little more than putting in a CD and everything goes back to normal. Your C:\ image isn’t likely to fit on a CD, you usually create an image saved on either a different partition and preferably on a second HDD and the boot CD or Floppy is able to restore the image from your HDD copy.
There are many drive imaging software tools out there, you do however need to ensure that they will be compatible with your system.
I have been using RegCompact for a month or so without problem.
You may also want to take a look at WinRescue XP
Four Tools in One: Crash Fixer, RegPack, File Backup, and Troubleshooter.
Don’t spend hours reinstalling Windows XP, restore in minutes with WinRescue XP.
WinRescue XP’s tools protect you against crashes.
There are seperate versions for each windows operating system. I’ve used this product since the WinRescue95 addition.
I’ts saved my hide on more than on occasion.
The product is shareware with a free trial.
P.S. Remember, this program was not designed to replace a full backup or an Image
of your drive.
I am using regcompact.net and I used the previous version (Regcompact) and have experienced no problems at all. But the one thing to be aware of is that if the system crashes during the compaction you could lose your registry. All you need to do then is start in safe mode and select last known good. Never crashed on me yet though.