Reset S.M.A.R.T. on a HDD?

I have a Western digital with some problems…
And i can’t format because the smart says the hdd is dead.
The hdd is not dead but the “raw read error rate is 1”
Here is what the hdd SMART says it is bad:

NOTE : your hard disk has 23 reallocated sectors. Hard disks do have spare sectors (usually from 256 up to 1024) used to replace bad ones. This remapping operation is transparent to the end user. Anyway, this can lead to degradated performances (because remapped sectors are in different places of the disk than the original ones and the head needs additional moving). If reallocated sectors grow over time, you might encounter some serious troubles. A backup of the most important data is suggested anyway.

Your hard disk is a WDC WD1200JB-00GVA0 with firmware 08.02D08.
The average temperature for this hard disk is 35C (MIN=26C MAX=44C) and yours is 42C.

NOTE : your hard disk has 1061 pending sectors (this value is very large and your hard disk should be replaced). Those are sectors that couldn’t be properly read and that the hard disk logic is waiting for a write operation to try to remap to a spare sector (if available). According to the Reallocated Sector Count attribute, your hard disk seems to have available spare sectors. A simple disk surface scan won’t be enough to force the remap operation. You need a read/write surface scan to remap the sector. The best option should be a tool that knows about what should be read from that sector so that it has some option to apply the best fix to the missing data.

NOTE : your hard disk Power Cycle Count attribute current value (98) is below the normal range (99 - 100) reported for your specific hard disk model. Basically your hard disk was power cycled more times than the maximum number the average hard disk was. Power cycles put some stress on the hard disk mechanic. Sometimes power cycles can be caused by a loose hard disk power connector. Make sure it is properly fastened.

Error: Raw Read Error Rate has reached its threshold. Current value is 1 and threshold is 51.
According to S.M.A.R.T. specifications, your hard disk is failing and needs to be immediately replaced. Backup your data as soon as possible.

Warning: Raw Read Error Rate reached, in the past, its threshold. Worst value is 1 and threshold is 51.

Any idea how to reset it?
This hard drive worked fine and suddenly nothing can be formated.
Help please

As Windows XP SP2 is about to no longer be supported by Microsoft you should update to SP3

Important notice for users of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2): The support for your product ended July 13, 2010! To ensure that you will receive all important security updates for Windows you need to upgrade to Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3)

Are you running Nod32 v3.0.621.0 as well as avast! ???

Update your signature as well.

You could turn SMART off in the BIOS but that wouldn’t do you any good, the messages you’re getting are basically telling you that the hdd is dying out so no point in turning SMART off. Time for a new hdd i think.

EDIT: If you want to know more about SMART here is a link for you:

I am not using Avast on that PC i am using Only NOD32.
I know some basic stuff of SMART and it’s turned off.
The hard drive is bigger than the 40Gigs i have in that PC so i really need the 120Gigs one in there and running.
The SMART is keeping it from format.
I want to reset the bad sector count and delete what is inside.
Allso something that will make it pass the 53% format… more than 53% it can’t be formated…
it says that it hit a un readable/writable sector. stopping!

Hi, have you tried any of the disc utilities from WD?

Nope… can’t find it :frowning:

That hard drive is broken dark-whisper. You can try a billion different programs and settings but it still won’t work. The internal mechanics are broken and that’s that. Only thing you can do is take it to a repair shop(and they won’t be able to do anything besides replacing it) or get a new one. I don’t know why you keep insisting it’s not broken when it clearly is ?

I know you say it is broken…
I want to know for sure…
I can still do stuff with it… like make partitions…
But windows will not start formatting.
It works to a certain spot… it is a bad sector that it will not jump over…
The reallocated sector count is full…
This is why i want smart reset.
So i know if i can pass that step…
If this is good that means the HDD is OK and smart was filled with long gone errors.
I want to know if resetting smart will help…
HDD is working to a certain spot.
So my guess is it works… if so, i waste my money on a HDD.

Sounds stupid…
But when I had HD with formating issues (which was a long time ago, everybody will suggest you change your disk…), when I had problems, I just use a partition tool to format with Linux, then Windows, then Linux swap, then delete the partition… Go ahead, do whatever, formating in different system files (NTFS, FAT, FAT32, ext3, ext2…). Sounds stupid, but it worked more than once…

I don’t have Linux…
Still on FAT32 tried… did not format.
Stuck at 53%
I am trying the 1 pass 0 method now…
Hope it works.

It’s not just bad sectors it’s the whole internal mechanics that are failing. SMART doesn’t lie. It’s there for a reason. The errors that you are getting are serious ones which indicate an electromechanical problem with the drive. The hard drive is broken and no matter how much you don’t want to believe that it is still the truth. That being said i am no longer replying in this topic as it’s really boring repeating myself. Have a nice day.

Never mind… Use a partition tool in that disk. Like Partition Wizard. Format it a lot of times with different file systems. Delete the partition, recreate it… Let the final situation the one you want (if it works).

The easyest way is the simplest way.
I trashed it…
it started the “click of death” so o knew a chip went bad.
Thanks for the help :slight_smile:
It really helped until it dyed.
It started to work until the click…

Try kill disk with it you can format the entire disk without getting it in to a file system. format using your windows cd again.

The last time that I had a problem formating a HD i have done it.

A chip leaked 2 days ago!
so it’s done…
It burnt out.
Overheated X(

Yeah sorry only now that I saw the last time that you posted (2days ago), next time you will have better luck.

Yea… thx for the advice… i was doing that operation when the hard drive made the “click of death” and passed away from this cruel world in the cybernetic heaven.
Peace to my 120 GB Western digital called “DiGi”
He was my friend for so many years…
Never let me down…
If you want i can call you to the funeral. ;D

Peace :slight_smile: