iam havin that trouble with registry if you find out will ya buzz me also i have asked em how to reset password on the avast logo you know to change settings etc they sent me it back but they re/gave me the password for this forum/site which i already no anyway if ya can tell me how to reset my password its where you right clik on the blue avast ball and it says change password in there too but i cant remember and also its only lettin me run 5 providers instead of 7 HOW DO I DO IT AARRRR HELP ME PLS LOL my mail adds is madant06@yahoo.co.uk cheers buddy i no i can count on you, you shud work there lol madant06 out x ???
There is a regystry key (registration of avast) and there is a password to avoid changing settings.
Which one do you have trouble?
The second? Well, only uninstalling, booting, installing again.