Resident Protection - Avast 4.1/Home Ed.

Yep it doesn’t show up even after uninstall and reinstall. If you can post up the registry entries that would be really good… hopefully it’ll work after that! fingers crossed

The content of the key is:[b]




The file must not have {ENTER} at the end of each line.
You can download the txt file bellow, rename it to Virtual Devices.reg and import the file to the Registry. Of course, if it does not work, you can delete the registry file later. Remember, two other keys with the same content but named 001 and 003, I mean, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers

Pray! ;D

unfortunately it didn’t work :frowning:

Sorry… I’m confused. What can we do more for you? I cannot imagine that your first Norton installation brings all this trouble… :cry:
I have made a long jorney to be free from Norton (I posted it [here).

TheLittleGuy – Norton’s antivirus products invade the computer registry and many times (not always), while trying to uninstall Norton, registry files get corrupted.

I’m not as proficient on computers as some of the other forum members are (I’m getting there), but, if possible, the easiest thing to do may be to wipe your hard drive, reformat and reinstall your operating system. At least that way, Norton’s out of there and the registry will be clean. There should be no Avast! difficulties after that.

If you need help reinstalling Win98, I’m sure there’s someone on the board who can help with that. I’ve never used it and I’m not familiar with it (I have XP).

Good luck…


I’m probably due for a format, but its something I really want to avoid unless I really have to do it. I think I’d rather try another antivirus first, before I head to a format. Thanks for all the help though, much appreciated!

The LittleGuy, Windows 98 ‘asks’ for a format/reinstall from time to time, unfortunatelly… I aggree with Dave but, of course, you can make another test with other av. Remember, all other things in your machine will be good except that you won’t have the best av ;D

I have Windows 98 running smoothly with avast :-*
I had Norton in the past but, for any reason, I was successfull to remove it :-\