resident protection disabled

how do I know if my pc is being protected? Why didn’t the icon move to my task bar?

The tooltip of the ‘a’ icon on the system tray must say how many providers are running (of 6 in total). Just put the mouse over the icon…

Or, click the icon, ask ‘Details’ and browse the providers to see more info…

The icon rotates just when a module is ‘scanning’ a file right now… Otherwise, it states calm and stopped :wink: Of course, the avast! settings in your system could make the ‘scanning’ operation more frequently (for instance, if you choose to scan every open document or running program).

Wellcome to avast! :wink:

Try right clicking the Icon then ‘access protection control’ from the menu. You should see if the resident protection is running and for ‘how long’… I believe :wink: :slight_smile:

Like Technical say’s, the Icon doesn’t rotate ALL of the time :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t you know it is the usual…after sending I hit the right thing to do. Thanks for the response, it appears to be ok now. ::slight_smile:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Great… hope you like Avast

Feel free to ask more help… Do you know what happened? Or just another ‘computer mystery’… Unfortunatelly, Windows is not a deterministic system… Everything could happen! 8)