Resident Protection


I’m having a small problem with the resident protection. My problem seems to be the opposite of the other one that was posted here…

When installing Avast, I chose to have the standard resident protection. However, now I’d prefer to have it disabled. I’ve already disabled it and it remains disabled as long as I keep my computer on. Sadly, once I shut it down, the next time I turn it on the resident protection is once again set to standard. My first guess was that there was some problem saving the settings… however, when I disabled the database update to see if this was the problem, it saved that configuration. It just won’t save the resident protection stuff…

I’m now considering uninstalling Avast and reinstalling it again (if I’m not mistaken, the resident protection is off by default). However, this is something that I’d prefer not to do (I’d have to download the updates all over again… and if I run into the same problem again, it could get annoying being forced to uninstall/install once more). Is there any workaround for this?

I’m running the latest version of Avast Home Edition. The virus database is the one updated on the 14th (it’s the most recent one, I think). My OS is Windows 98.

Thanks for your attention.


One thing you can o is to disable all Autostart settings belong to Avast by using MSCONFIG.EXE(just disable anything located in the AVAST folder). If you want to use it again just enable it and restart .

But remember you will not have any Virusprotection from Avast! Okay the scanner itself still works.

Yeah, but that’s a “dirty” solution (like mine of re-installing everything). Isn’t there any other way of doing it? It should work by disabling it inside the program, right? Or am I doing something wrong?

As for not having any virus protection, I understand that. Unfortunately, the problem is that Avast seems to be causing some problems with other programs (this type of conflict already happened with my previous AV, but it was a lot more frequent). Having the scanner only will be fine for me right now (at least while I’m using the programs that seem to be causing this conflict).

No, i do not think that it is “dirty”, you disable things you do not need anymore. It makes your System a bit more cleaner! :slight_smile:

For instructions on how to turn off the resident protection, please see;action=display;threadid=291;start=0 .

However, I’d be most interested in what problems you’re having [or which programs avast seems to conflict with], so that we could try to resolve it!


I meant “dirty” as “not changed within the program” (ie, the user has to change its system configuration). If it worked to turn it on, shouldn’t it also work to turn it off?

I know what you mean with “dirty”, but only disable it in the way you like will leave the driver/service in the startup and will load at each start, even if it is not activ it could conflict with other software. I saw VLK online, maybe he will say us, what is better.

pamaro, if you kick the programs off the startup group, things like the Virus Chest and the Scheduler will stop working. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re willing to have a 15MB beast contantly loaded in memory because of these two services. If you are, follow the link above for instructions on how to disable the resident protection. If you are not, then go ahead and do what raman suggested… :wink:

Hope this helps,

Thanks for the reply, as soon as I log out I’ll give it a try to changing the avast4.ini

As for the problems, basically what happens is a blue screen followed by lack of computer response (I have to hit the reset button). This happened a lot with my previous AV until I started to disconnect its resident program (after that these problems disappeared). However, since I had no option of disconnecting its resident protection, I stopped using it (Avast Home Edition came highly recommended by my friends, so I decided to give it a try). So far it’s looking good, except for this problem… hopefully it’ll be corrected by that change :).

Ok… so then I should not give a try to what you suggested? I just want to completely remove the resident protection (as if I had chose “disabled” on the instalation).

Hmm, it would be quite hepful if you could send us the actuall contents of the blue screens. I suppose you’re using Win 9x or ME, right?

Also, do you recall it happening with some specific applications (so that we could try to simulate the conditions under which it happens), or rather randomly…?


I didn’t write’em down… the only thing I remember about it was “VxD”. If it happens again, I’ll write it down. I’m using Windows 98.

The applications it happened with so far were J2ME’s MIDP 2.0’s ktoolbar and Half Life.

Hmmm… which solution should I use, then?

I ran into another problem (this is also one of those that already occured with my previous AV). For some reason, having a browser loading a Hotmail page and having mIRC connecting to a server at the same time causes a computer reset. With my previous AV, when I disabled the resident protection this stopped happening. I’ve now did the same thing with Avast, through msconfig (removed two items, those were the only ones I found)… that was what I was supposed to do, right?

My browser is IE5. Mirc’s version is 5.91. I’ll now see if the problem happens again (so far everything seems to be working fine).


The reset problems continued (this time they also happened with Half Life). Random crashes are also occuring (these didn’t happen until I installed Avast).

I have decided to uninstall Avast, since it seems to be unstable with my system configuration.

Thanks for the support provided.


My computer is now almost useless, crashing and auto-resetting at an incredible pace. Since this didn’t happen until I installed Avast, I’m assuming it was caused by it. I’ve already uninstalled, so I’m guessing that something was left behind and is totally screwing things up. I followed the standard uninstall procedures… is there anything else I can do? Something that might be left behind for some clean up? If things keep up like this, I’ll have to format my hard drive and that will make me lose a tremendous amount of time due to the amount of programs I’ll have to reinstall… right now, my computer is unusuable… it even crashes when I’m using notepad or just browsing my hard drive…

This may not apply to you because it specifically mentions Win XP not 98 (but it sure won’t hurt to see if it does… :o ) It mentions hangups and resident or real time scanners. It sure sounds like your problem…

good luck 8)


You may experience slower computer performance after you install the 811493 (MS03-013) security update package on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1), or after you upgrade to SP1 on a Windows XP-based computer on which the 811493 security update was previously installed. This problem may be more likely to occur if you use some features of some third-party programs, such as antivirus programs. For example, this problem may occur if your antivirus program is configured to scan all files when you open (or you run) them. This is sometimes called “real-time” scanning. "

Get full info here;en-us;819634

Hmmm… from what I read there, it doesn’t affect me, but thanks for the link anyway.

I’m guessing that something from the resident protection was left behind and is now interfering with everything… any way I can do a full uninstalation? (hmmm… this could be a FAQ question, I guess)

To complete uninstall of avast, just use Windows Installer applet from Control Panel. More? Use Total Uninstall (avast must be installed with this program running before). See
Another option to complete uninstall is Norton CleanSweep.

I did not experience any trouble with avast. The residents could be configurated with help support of avast. Try to see another foruns (DOS under XP and Cannot run .exe files). If you could describe the applications installed in your system (and the system configuration) probably the avast team would be happy to help you. I´m a happy avast Home user (Free version) in a XP Pro computer. ;D

I use Total Uninstall (excellent little program) & the latest version is 2.33. Here’s the program’s DL page