resident protection

A few days ago I noticed that the Avast icon in the system tray has disappeared (resident protection). Normally, the icon appeared automatically when starting Windows.
When starting Avast, I saw that the resident protection was “disabled”; changing it to “standard” has no effects; after closing Avast and restarting, the option always returns to “disabled”.

What’s the solution ?

(Windows ME, latest build and latest VPS installed)

first try the protection with the harmless testfile from
if you get a warnign by avast, maybe’s just somethings wrong with your icon cache/display

if not:
try repairing avast via Software/programs → uninstall avast
if that doesn’t help check your PC with Onlinescanners from Trendmicro and ravantivirus :wink:

are there any warnings in the event-log or devicemanager ?

:)Thanks, the option “UNINSTALL → REPAIR” worked; I got my avast-icon back…