Resident Scanner being disabled by.....?

I’ve been trying to install Avast! on my friends computer (950mhz PIII, 256mb RAM, 10gb (9.3gb) hard drive, of which 6.3gb are free, Win2kPro). This computer has Ad-aware, Spybot, SpywareBlaster, & SpywareGuard, using a Linksys wireless ethernet card for internet access.

I’ve never had the kind of problems with Avast! that I’m having now. Everything is working fine until I install the software for the Linksys wireless card, then Avast! (the latest version). All of a sudden I start getting errors from the Linksys software and Avast! If one is working correctly the other isn’t, and vice versa.

Currently the Linksys software is working fine, but Avast!'s resident protection is disabled, error message is: “The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error, The operation could not be completed”. No amount of coaxing gets Avast!'s resident protection to work. Thing is, Avast! was working just fine until a warning message telling me the VPS database was out of date and downloaded & installed the update. Soon as that happened and the computer was rebooted, the resident protection died and never came back.

These 2 applications were working fine together before this reformat/reinstall of the OS, the only thing different this time around is SpywareGuard (JavaCoolSoftware, makers of SpywareBlaster).

Avast! has been uninstalled & reinstalled several times. No joy.

Is there a known issue with Avast! going on right now? I’ve never had a problem with Avast! before.

Thanks, -kd5-

Does the Linksys software include antivirus? They used to ship with Norton (I don’t know if this is still the case) and the error you’re getting can be an indication of another AV.

No, no antivirus included with this Linksys’ software: -kd5-

See if the insturctions in this FAQ help

It’ll have to wait until the next time I go there, my friend isn’t that knowledgeable regarding computers and this is something that I wouldn’t trust him to do by himself. It seems to me however that 3 installations can’t all be wrong. This computer has had all the latest Windows Updates, I’m fairly certain the Avast! Services were set as they should be, it just seems odd that 3 installations should all be corrupted. Thanks for the link, if it turns out that none of it helps, I guess another format/reinstall is on the horizon.

Do you think Avast! might not be playing well with SpywareGuard (or vice versa)? It’s pretty much the only thing that’s different with this OS installation from the last. -kd5-

For what it’s worth, I’m using Spyware guard, and Blaster, with Avast , no problems at all.

Before that I would uninstall the Linsys software to test if its actually the cause of the problem.

Like Tarq57 I haven’t seen any conflicts with this combination.

The Linksys software was uninstalled/reinstalled just as many times as the Avast! software was with this current OS installation and it does seem to me that if one was behaving itself the other wasn’t. But why would this same software combination have behaved themselves prior to this format/reinstall? What changed? I can’t answer that because I don’t write/update software and can’t diagnose someone else’s applications. I have to depend on the people who write the software to do a good job of it. Who’s to say whose updates are causing the problems? I thought maybe someone might know if there were known bugs or conflicts. I guess I should email Linksys as well. The one thing I have found that remains fairly consistent is that there aren’t very many people/companies who will admit to faults with their products. I get the distinct impression that Avast! isn’t one of those companies, I wonder how far I’ll get with Linksys?

Thanks for the information regarding SpywareGuard… :wink: -kd5-

I had no problems when using spyware guard and avast, however, spyware guard hasn’t been updated in 18 months or more and to my mind any security based program requires continued development.

That is why spyware guard is no longer on my system, but I don’t think this had anything to do with your problem.

For the most part the advice offered in this forum is from users like you. I am an avast! user, not a programmer.

Who's to say whose updates are causing the problems?

Exactly - that’s why it makes sense to isolate the problem and confirm its cause.

I thought maybe someone might know if there were known bugs or conflicts.

I am not aware of any. I’m sure if someone else does know of one they will post it.

I guess I should email Linksys as well.

Yes, you should. But be carefull about making changes suggested by Linksys simulatenous with suggestions here because that might mess things worse.

The one thing I have found that remains fairly consistent is that there aren't very many people/companies who will admit to faults with their products. I get the distinct impression that Avast! isn't one of those companies...

If you look through the forum you’ll find many posts about avast! being imperfect (usually with a statement that no software is perfect).

The goal here is to isolate the problem so we can hopefully find a way to make both programs co-exist. Some of our questions may ask you you duplicate things you’ve already done but since we don’t know everyting you’ve done this will be unavoidable. One thing for sure, I don’t think continually reformatting the hard drive with be productive.