Resident Shield default exclusion-list?

A clean install of 4.8 gives these 4 items:


My current 4.7.1098 contains these 4 plus additional 8 lines.

What is correct?


Edited for clarity.

I have many more than the 4 you report though (13 extra in all 3 I know I added for sure) I didn’t do a clean install of 4.8 so might have inherited the ones from 4.7.

There are many settings/exclusions, etc. that are defaults and may well be embedded in the program, I don’t know if this is the case here though.

Is this a continuation of this thread, or…

Well, could be great if anyone could give a clear answer to the correct number of items in list.

Perhaps the four lines I get by a clean install is incorrect?


Here we are.

My question in this thread is stated in my Quote: (What is correct?..)

DavidR has given his values, but my question is what should the values be?
You are promoting installing on top from 4.7 to 4.8, ok, but shouldn’t the results
of the update be the same?

If I install 4.8.1201 on top I get 10 of those entries.

Clean install of 4.8.1201 gives the 4 mentioned.

Hope you understand me better now.

My list is:


Which are your ‘other’ entries there?

This is my list, too, after a clean install.

After installing on top of 4.7 I get these four plus 8 lines.
They are impossible to copy, but one of them is


These 8 lines were not put there by me, so just wondering where they went away.

DavidR tells also that he has more than these four.

Just trying to understand…
Can’t find anything in Avast4.ini so they must be hardcoded.

Well, Tech,I think I can live with only four of them. :slight_smile:
Thank you for your time.


Excluding the ones already listed, ?:\PageFile.sys, *.txt, *.log and *.ini, mine are in the images, strick through entries are definitely my additions, the ? one not sure if I added it or not.

It could be at avast4.ini file, but the default is hardcoded indeed.
See [Exclude] value here