My laptop screen is 1333x768. Why the hell is the avast window so HUGE and not resizable? It’s like you make ONE UI for a tablet and force it on computer users? This UI is a pain. Ugly, wasted whitespace everywhere, and a completely non-resizable UI? What the hell.
Time for me to look for an AntiVirus program that is designed FOR A COMPUTER…
I guess you haven’t come for help - but just in case, or someone else reading this - check the screen settings if you have the DPI set at greater than 100% you could try dropping it down a touch.
You don’t say what avast version you are using 17.3.2291 is the latest and as far as I can recall the UI in this is meant to automatically resize for smaller screens.
Its a stupid UI. Can’t even COPY text from it, so I have to move it way over to one side so I can have the browser visible at the same time and type in: Version 17.3.2291 (build 17.3.3443.0) on windows 7
This is WINDOWS, not a tablet or a phone, so I should be able to grab the edge and resize the window. There is so much wasted whitespace on this UI that it’s insane!
Well that’s stupid. I have this box that is 1010 pixels wide by 675 tall on my 1333x768 laptop. That’s occupying 90% of the desktop. Despite what Microsoft want’s you to think, not all computers are touch screen. I have no need for a menu that is 440 pix tall with 110 pix tall buttons for 4 options… I have carpel tunnel in my mouse hand - having me scroll an extra 100 px to get to the second menu item is probably a violation of the americans with disabilities act… (LOL) but it’s actually wasteful of my time to have to do all that extra scrolling. This entire UI could be 600px narrower and 320 pix shorter (410x355) without sacrificing any information displayed.
Win10 and “modern” apps look like the AOL 1.0 software UI from the 90’s.
I honestly can’t see the total reluctance by avast to have the UI main screen user resizeable to suit the ‘users needs,’ in how they user ‘their’ system and not avasts.
If they resize it so much that it looks crap, that is their decision, they are ones having to live with it and they can always but it back. If avast hate this idea of having the UI resizeable I suggest they look at the AVG UI which is much smaller and much nicer looking (essentially probably wouldn’t need to be resized). Anyone would think that AVG wasn’t part of the same company. This avastUI is the ugly sister in the family/company.
I don’t live in the UI, but I probably use it more than most helping on the forums, it is massive, sits centre screen, drag it out of the way (but not far enough as its too damn big). But the next time you open it, there it is again in your face centre screen, it won’t stay where it is pot.
thanks for the comment on AVG… yes, not resizable - and I’ve messaged them about that - but it’s smaller by a third than Avast and cleaner with higher information density - not so much blank space to look at.
I do like the look of the AVG UI. The comparison between the two are like chalk and cheese the AVG one does have a profession look to it, the avast one doesn’t seem to come from the same company.