RESOLVED Avast Compatability

In a thread in the General forum I pointed out that an Iyogi technician had uninstalled my SAS because it would ‘cause problems’ with Avast even when I pointed out that it was used as an on demand scanner. However, since it is the paid for version of SAS, I would rather have it installed. Would it be safe to download the program again simply to be used for a once a week scan.

yes :wink:

i run MBAM PRO and SAS pro at the same time…only autoupdate is active on SAS

Where does your Avast figure pondus?

I’m not sure I understand your question. Avast is compatible with both MBAM and SAS. I believe that others were suggesting that you do not have 3 resident (on all the time) programs (Avast, MBAM Pro, and SAS Pro) running at the same time. But as you mentioned above, you wanted to run SAS as on-demand, which is fine with Avast and MBAM Pro since you paid for SAS Pro.

So you can reinstall SAS but keep it only as on-demand and you should be fine. Let us know if you have any additional questions. :slight_smile:

I took Pondus’s meaning as being that he only had 2 security programs, Mbam and SAS which was stupid of me since this is the Avast forum.
I will download SAS again and use it as an on-demand scanner only. Sorry if I caused any confusion. :-[

No problem at all. We are here to help answer questions and no question is stupid.

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