(resolved) Avast Firewall Question

Hi. I have a question about the firewall. If the network zone is set to Public, will it block all incoming connection for a specific program even if the Application Rules have it at, lets say All connections or Friends in/Internet out? Or will I have to adjust the rules for that program. Thanks.

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Perhaps this will help you: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=482&ratingconfirm=1

Thanks for the informative link, but unfortunately it doesn’t answer my question. I want to know if it’s safe to assume that setting the firewall to Public Mode will block all incoming connections even if the Application Rules say allow. The reason why I assume this is because Under Work Mode it says “Follow the application rules” and under Public it doesn’t say that, but just “Block all incoming connections. Dont allow new programs”. So I just need a confirmation. Thanks.

No, it won’t. It won’t block the incoming connections you have already allowed.
At least, for me, incoming connections are allowed for allowed applications.

All firewalls will basically allow inbound connections associated outbound connections.

Where an inbound connection doesn’t originate from your system then it would normally be blocked; I can’t think of any instances of legitimate ad-hock inbound connections that you might want to setup a rule to allow that inbound connection.

Ok thank you guys. I also found the answer in the PCMag review: “In the Public zone, the firewall blocks all incoming communication and forbids all network access to programs that don’t already have application rules defined.” Should have known, it said “Disallow any new programs” right under :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, this seems like a nice solid firewall. Very easy to use too ;D