Hi, As with most software applications, I try before I buy. I will be using an information I learn here for my next blog post. If you would like credit, or prefer not to be quoted, please message me a note. Thank you.
I am trying to install the Avast free version and it will not run.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Same results.
The avast! Antivirus service is not running.
It complains it cannot start a dependency.
The dependencies are:
AswMonFlt (cannot find any such entry in services)
– FltMgr (cannot find any such entry in services)
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (started)
– DCOM Server Process Launcher (started)
– RPC Endpoint Mapper (started)
Please tell me more about FltMgr, where I should be able to find it, why it might not be running, if this is a known problem with the Avast free version. Recommended next steps Thank you.
You need to uninstall MSE per the vendor’s instructions PRIOR to installing Avast. You can’t have 2 AV’s on the same machine; turning it off won’t work either.
Actually, there is no mention of this in any of the screens. I have snapshots of each of them for my article.
MOST AV’s don’t care if you are running a second, or even third AV. Norton is a notable exception.
This was very helpful. and I follow all your instructions in your post. Nevertheless I was still having trouble. However, after repeatedly trying to START the service, it did eventually start. Once it did, I had few (but not zero) difficulties. They are not worth mentioning here. The point is I got the application installed.
Thanks very much.
Is there way to mark this resolved?