Hi I’m using the free version (5.0.594) of Avast antivirus.
I want to add exclusions for MBAM realtime version and I’m not sure where I do this.
I have a hunch that this should be done in “File system shield” under expert settings.
If so…
when I click “exclusions” then ‘add’ do I copy and paste all of the MBAM files in the single box or do I copy each individual line and then add each path and file into a separate box.
You really shouldn’t need to add exclusions to MBAM Pro as it gets along very well with all other software. However if you want, you can add MBAM as an exclusion to your security software (like FW, AV…but Avast and MBAM Pro play well together).
RealtimeShield-expert settings-exclusions-add ‘C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware*', stick ‘R’ ‘W’ and ‘X’
But I heard they work well together… There seems to be no need to add exclusions for mabam
I had the same question and they said I should exclude it where as they say that they run well together here. Im a bit confused… ??? :-\
Im using Avast IS 6, SAS pro and MBAM pro - all 3 real time protection, so far I didnt come across any issues but I also want to know if this is bad for the computer or whether it will slow down the net speed or the performance of the computer. :-\
Whats wrong with you people…Avast covers ALL malware just like most of today’s antivirues do. All you need in real time is Avast. The free versions of both SAS and MBAM will do just fine for on demand scanning. More does not mean better. Its called overlapping security. MBAM’s power does NOT come from its real time protection but its on demand scanning. All you need to do is scan with either SAS or MBAM once a week. Just to be sure something did not slip by Avast. Anything else is paranoia.
Check my last 2 threads and you will know why I had to install MBAM and also i got the PRO version. My computer was infected when Avast was running! It never detected when the file got into the computer. But the good thing about Avast is, when i was running a full scan it detected the viruses but did not give the option of removing it, even the boot time scan didnt detect it. MBAM was recommended by YOUR OWN moderators/admins! So I do not want to take the risk again so I installed both.
The previous posts to make you aware of the situation -
The malware file injected modules into the memory so every program I was running got detected as malicious by Avast but did not give the option of disinfecting it!
I have used 4 or 5 different types of antivirus software and would like to say that I prefer Avast over all the others but at the same time its kind of a disgrace that Avast has to turn to other software like MBAM to do the removals, if any admins are reading this please get the developers to improve the removal system of viruses… MBAM detected the files and removed where as Avast only detected the infected memory modules!
OMG…You people really have a lot to learn. MBAM is designed to catch what your antivirus misses. Go to ANY support forum and you will see people recommending MBAM. Even Mods. Heck even Symantec and Kapersky mods tell people to use MBAM. Its not just Avast. Look around people. Every antivirus misses something. I have never been infected in well over 10 years…Wanna know why? Cause I use common sense. I actually went an entire year with a NAT as my only means of protection and STILL never got infected. Do I have MBAM? Yes but the free version for on demand scanning once a week.
DraKuL …Are suffering from overlapping security which will actually make you more prone to infections.
LOL, Mbam is not just a fall-back plan for Avast!. Check out other security sites, it is a fall-back for many. Because Mbam deliberately tries to be just that, complimentary and supportive, catching and removing thing other vendors frequently miss and have difficulty cleaning.
Perhaps you should thank Mbam before you curse Avast! (disgrace is a pretty strong word).
Improved Prevention > Improved removal. Not saying improved removal would be bad, but I would prefer improved prevention over that any day.
I agree with you guys on the last 2 comments. I didnt meant to curse Avast, I merely used a comment that someone else used on my thread ( if you check the above links you will see)
Here is the comment - " I either started a thread or mentioned that in the past, it’s absolutely amazing and unacceptable that people with infected systems are systematically redirected on this forum to other solutions (mbam etc…), as Avast doesn’t seem to be able to do the job at all. Don’t get me wrong, I do advise that too, mbam, Essexboy intervention etc… as there’s no other choice. That’s appalling
edit: not talking about detection here (although there seem to be problems too with Avast off and on), but removal abilities."
I totally agree with that comment. I know that other antivirus sites recommend MBAM for removal but still its the AVs job to do the removal IMO… There may be leaks - No AV gives 100% protection, but they should include the leaks in the definition updates…
Again I’m not dissing Avast or anything, I will totally recommend it to anyone, I will continue to use it for many years! but it would be nice to see them improving the removal abilities!
And then there are people who do not trust in cleaning, go, reimage the drive from a known clean backup and then think about why did they get infected. Since - cleaning will not fix the security hole that caused the infection, right?
Well if the AV didnt block it and let it get in, it should atleast help the user clean it up dont you think?
but anyway there is no argument over the fact that Avast is better than most of the AVs available today, I personally think its better than any other product and thats why I’m using it.
The virus that got into my computer, Avast detected it in the scan, it detected it as a memory module virus only, hence it didnt let me clean it. but it didnt detect the file that injected the module to the memory. Still it did a way better job than kaspersky internet security 2011 - which was fully updated, KIS 2011 didnt detect ANYTHING! But I would have loved it if Avast pin pointed to the file that caused all this and let me remove it like MBAM did ;D
Gargamel360 , Dieselman, Chill guys, I didnt mean to curse Avast or anything, and sorry if it came out a bit too strong. I totally agree with your comments but I would love to see them improving Avast’s removal abilities and its prevention furthermore ;D
and BACK to the topic Will running 3 protection programs in real time - MBAM pro, SAS pro and Avast! IS 6 cause any problems or slow down the net speed or the performance of the pc ? because MBAM admins said that Avast admins have told that it runs perfectly together with avast. SAS admins said its designed to run parallel with any other security software.
I checked previous threads and some have said that they run well together and when I started the thread some said we have to exclude files and that it wont run well together ( 3 real time protection programs) and it all left me very confused. ???
You can have MBAM Pro or Superantispyware Pro running with avast but i would only use one of them and MBAM would be my choice, two is just major overkill.
If you want to exclude MBAM just add the program file to the exclusions list in file system shield.
I am always chill. Ok, not always but, most of the time. ;D
I am pretty sure both programs have benefits that go with the paid versions beyond real-time protection like auto-updates, so it isn’t a total loss for you.