need help please: trying to get Avast refund…so far the experience is brutal.
i paid for 2 apps thru google prepayment app, tied into my paypal and bank acct.
one for us59.99 and other for us15.99…am now seeking a refund and regret signing up with Avast.
i opened a refund ticket and the rep replied asking for copies of my bank statement to show transactions.
so i replied with copies/screenshots of the transactions on paypal thru google prepayment app to my bank acct.
i’m worried about security issues.
i didn’t hear back from support email…
so i then called avast cust service in philipines today and wasted 40 min of my time
with a rep who couldn’t find my transactions…i provided transaction ids etc.
email, home address etc.
totally brutal experience…and this is from a security services company?
she then asked me to forward a copy of my paypal to
i sent copy of paypal transactions (screenshots)…but i didn’t even get a confirmation.
my impressions of Avast security is not a good one, for a first time customer.
i mean if you call some other reputable company like norton or other and bang, instant resolution.
so here is what happened:
i got a helpful Jakub to investigate and resolve.
despite me paying on my google store app, which is linked to paypal/bank acct
and hotmail email, it should have been the gmail email address the cust service rep
in philipines was asking for…and it was there Jakub was able to find the transactions
and speedily resolve it.
.i was choked at the possible lack of training provided to the reps
however (you know to think outside the box and dig deeper) and requested more trainning
for the reps…i felt bad for getting pissed at the rep i spoke to (hell in the philipines they’re trying
to support their families, it’s a 3rd world country).
…I even called back into the philipines cust call centre to try to speak to the rep to apologize first hand,
but didn’t remember her name…asked the rep i did get to try to share the info i had
and apologize to me if any had dealt with me yesterday.
thanks, Avast for resolving this quickly…appreciate your courtesy and speedy reply.