I’m a user of Avast for some years now, never had any big problems before, just around 3 false alarms with v4.8, well… since i installed v5.0 i’m having these problems:
First, it’s detecting mIRC (program it has detection support to…) as a virus, i tested it with the script i use and with 6.35 downloaded from mirc.com and i was only able to install it again after disabling Avast.
Other than that, whenever i open a window everything freezes for some time, around 20s (varies according to the files), specially if it has a lot of content inside, like a folder with videos and images, is it scanning everything there?
Another problems is like when i’m playing Ragnarok Online, i keep getting really long freezes… sometimes for more than 5 minutes, when it finally stops for some time (ps: not immediatelly after the loading time in the system, during gameplay without a specific circunstance to happen), and some people i know experienced this problem too, making me look for some help.
If someone could tell me how to stop at least the freezes, thanks.
A. Submit the infected files to www.virustotal.com and check. Post the links back.
You shouldn’t disable the antivirus to install any software!
B. Freezing? Which are your other security programs? Firewall?
I suggest an installation from scratch:
- Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
- Download the latest avast! version and save it.
- Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
- Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
- Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
- Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
- Check and post the results.
The results from virustotal:
http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/271645e4995e6ac7d52abd55b2e0a3e7d3f958fe8571fa98b0c11bba36c01638-1277183210 (Installation exe)
http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/d7325bf2ae35ac22a279b802c0075e8dce898b8d7ba8c3ba5e070124cd4c208a-1276483089 (mIRC 3.65 Installed)
Still, i use mIRC for years and now and then after an update or another a false positive appears, and if even with the original program i get the same result that is what it looks like.
About other security programs… just Windows Firewall, and Defender, well… i’ll reinstall Avast now as you said to see what happens.
Thanks for your help ^^
Hmmm… Did you set avast to scan PUPs (potential unwanted programs)?
Other antivirus set it as riskware.
Yes, PUP scan was enabled, disabling solved it, so i only need to keep it disabled in a way to reduce false positives, or is it recommendable to keep it enabled for more security?
And i just reinstalled the anti-virus and… even though doing this reduced the freezing time… it still happens whenever i open a folder or during gameplay the same way as i said before, but this must be due to the CPU Use going to 9X% (after reinstalling i became able to open the task manager to look at this before the freezes).
You can keep it enabled. But you must be smart enough about its detections.
PUPs (riskwares) are applications that could be used for good or for bad.
You decide. They’re not infected. But they could be used for bad purposes. If you know the application, you can add an exception into avast settings.
What other security programs do you have?
True, irc can be used for bad, but i’m cautious enough with the way i use it, so i’ll just add an exception as you just told.
And as i said before, i just use Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, nothing else than these and Avast, and this freezing just started to happen with Avast 5.0, with 4.8 nothing like this ever happened.
And thanks for your continuous help.
If you feel that your issue is now resolved/fixed, please go back to the open post in this topic, click the modify button in that Post and change the title/subject, add [Resolved] to the beginning of the title so this thread can be closed. Thank you.
It’s partially resolved in fact, the positive was false (for being a riskware only), and i just found in the forum that the other virus found were just something to do with the Windows Defender in a recent complete scan i did.
But the freezes still continue to happen, even though now with a reduced time compared with the time when i opened this topic, before closing the topic i just need to know if there is an explanation for this.
I suggest then you submit a dump file to Avast to analyze the problem since you already did an uninstall/install.
Here is additional information on how to invoke a memory dump file: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=71.
Please, zip and upload the C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file to this anonymous ftp server and name it uniquely: ftp.avast.com/incoming. They will analyze it.