[RESOLVED]Uhhhhg! Avast! Free won't get rid of decompression bomb!

Hey Avast!ers, Do any of you people know how to get a decompression bomb of a almost brand-new acer PC?

Delete the archive.

What archive? Right this second, it’s sitting in my log file doing nothing.

Delete the file that is reported in the log as decompression bomb.

It doesn’t even have words in it…

I am sorry but I do not understand what you are saying at all. Meanwhile, DO NOT PANIC! Decompression bomb will NOT harm your computer in any way if you do not unpack it manually, can sit there forever and nothing happens. If you unpack it, it will fill up lots of drive space and that’s it. Again, no fatal harm done.

the guy “pcclean3453” is either high on something, or just escaped a psychiatric hospital ;D

edit: or both :smiley: (if referring to his posts here and in other threads so far)

why ??? it’s just an archive that’s too big and/or too compressed for Avast to be scanned, no reason to delete it. No malware, or at least, the “decompression bomb” label doesn’t mean that the file is malicious, just that it cannot be scanned for the reasons I described.

OK. I’m so sorry. I’ll explain. I first caught this decompression bomb when I opened the log file, along with another one. I got rid of the other one, but this one won’t get off.

Read the explanations above. This one can be either deleted, or left there. Do NOT delete the file unless you know what you are doing (which I’m afraid you don’t :P)


;D My advice - leave the thing alone, it does zero harm. ;D

Ok thanks for the help

BEST Joke of the week :slight_smile:

Thanks again

If you know…why ask? ???