[Resolved] WebRep not working?

WebRep is not working in either “regular” or sandbox. No green lines or anything. Can’t even vote. Any ideas? Yes, WebRep is installed in both Firefox and IE.

As yesterday, I’m sure The Team is aware. Like VlK said yesterday, its a server issue not on your machine. WebRep is not an essential system secure element, so just sit back and it will resolve itself I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Still working here just checked it yet again.

As if by magic it’s back. Don’t know where it went or where it came from. I tell you…it’s magic! Do you believe in magic?

Well hopefully you have learned not to be too quick to fire off a topic, give it some time ;D

It’s not working here on my machine since yesterday afternoon… did I wait long enough? ::slight_smile:


While typing the previous post, it came back to life… so: working here now.

The same topic was started 2 days ago. Now there are 2 toppics with the same heading??

Geez folks, really - there are apparently some server issues, can’t you just browse w/o a rating addons for a couple of days and give it time to settle?

And as noted multiple times before, the icon needs a way to indicate server problems.

So, it has worked most of the time for me and at times it is intermittent, but it isn’t something that I’m actually looking out for every moment of the day. Since it isn’t critical to your security it isn’t something that I get terribly concerned about.

It will no doubt be something which takes a little time to bed in.

If there is/was a server malfunction it would seem logical to let all users know so we wouldn’t see the need to post. No need to be rude!

It’s been posted multiple times by Avast staff here that there are server issues - but people just keep starting one thread after another. :-\

I think Vlk did mention some server problems in another webrep topic I don’t recall which.

Take a look at the forum topics it is swamped with webrep topics, so if everyone creates their own new topic rather than comment in an existing one, it will be even harder to find any response.

There is a silver lining about the WebRep postings. It’s a testament to the popularity of the feature. :smiley:

Well yeah, looks good; given enough time it could be as good as WOT or even better… but time is the keyword here. :wink:

Hey, webrep is still not active, since yesterday afternoon, is it happening to you?
should i uninstall avast and install it again?
is it happening to you?

I found this http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=71936.msg600857#msg600857
It answered my question!

but it says it is ok now, it is working… but not here, i dont know what happened, can u help me? what should i do? thanx

I’d suggest to open a couple of beers and wait. 8)

I’ve been waiting… is it an installation problem? it was working fine before…
by the way, every time I start windows, the action center warns me to send an avast file to microsoft, does it happen to you?