Response time to add new samples

Hello guys,

I would like to know if avast is now having a better response time for adding new malware samples to its database?

Its better then it was?

I remember that in the past, it took sometimes 3,4 weeks to get a sample added, and sometimes it was not even added… :frowning:

It made me stop to send new samples to them, and made me stop to use and recommed it to others (I really enjoy avast, but slow response time is a big flaw to me)

I wish to get back to avast, so I was wondering if the response time got better?

Thanks for your time,


When? It was improved since two or three months.
But, of course, there are a LOT to improve. There are users complaining but less than it was some months ago.

Well… you`ll see ::slight_smile:

This doesnt help, on contrary... It wont help only being upset. We need to have a positive complain. 8)

Yes, stop sending samples will for sure not help anybody!

Hello guys!

Thanks for the replies.

Actually I hunted new malwares just to send them to avast, and I stopped not because I wanted to punish Avast, but I was having the terrible feeling of being lose my time hunting new malwares, waiting for the updates just to see it added, and nothing happened.

It was so frustating… Its like doesnt matter if I send them the new samples or not… They would not be added anyway…
If they were better then 4+ months ago, and are adding samples in a week, maybe I could be motivated again…

I sent only sometimes files to kaspersky, Avg and avira

Kaspersky added in the same day
Avg took 1 day
Avira gets 2-4 days to add…

Well, I hope avast could improve it to motivate me again to hunt the malware to them… [:)]

Thanks for your time,
