Restarting Security center at boot-up

Every morning when I reboot my computer the security center doesn’t recognize my Avast Antivirus. I have to go into control panel/Administrative Tools and restart “The Security Center” for Avast to be recognized. Is there something I can do, not to do this, apart from ticking the box to say I will manage it myself. I like Windows telling me that my Firewall/Automatic Updates and Antivirus are up to date and all have green lights. It never used to do that when I closed it down at night.

  1. Try to get back Windows original system files running the command: sfc /scannow
  2. See if the problem isn’t with the Windows Management Instrumentation and the fact that its database could be incorrect.
    To fix this, (1) stop the WMI Service, (2) delete the “repository” folder in C:\windows\system32\wbem, and (3) start the WMI Service.
    Starting the service rebuilds the deleted folder and the database. Once restarted, maybe Windows Security Center shows the correct info.

Hi Tech thank you for help. I have tried scannow but it kept asking for the windows XP disc. I only have the back-up disc Evesham gave me with my computer 5 years ago, and it kept saying it wasn’t the right disc, so I just kept pressing retry until it finished. I also tried number2 advice you gave me, but even after restarting it still doesn’t recognize Avast, only this time I couldn’t even get it to recognize it after restarting Security Center. I had tried the second one before but it was slightly different in that the advice was
%system Root Folder% but I couldn’t find that but still deleted everything in the Repository folder anyway. It is a complete mystery.

%System Root Folder% = C:\windows\system32\ ::slight_smile:
Well, it’s a mistery… if you repair your avast installation now, after trying to clean the repository, won’t it work?
Did you have, in the past, Symantec Control Center installed in this computer?

Hi Tech I have recently repaired Avast in the Control Panel but I have a feeling it isn’t an Avast problem. As soon as I click on restart Security Center, the little shield with the white cross disappears then immediately re-appears. Thank you for explaining root folder, I thought thats what it was, but wasn’t sure, so at least I have learned that. I have never had Symantec on my computer, I never wanted it. For 5 years now I have mainly used Avast and Windows Firewall, much to some peoples dismay. The firewall has never let me down and I have never had a hacker intrude or a virus. I also use AdAware SE Plus, Spyware Doctor, CounterSpy, WinPatrol, SpywareGuard, SpywareBlaster, Asquared, Bibeta occasionally, and Windows own malicious tool. None seem to clash, although I do know Spyware Doctor slows my computer down a lot, so occasionally I un-install it completely.

PS. Since deleting the files in the Repository folder, it has remained empty ever since. Should it have something in it by now?

I have to admit this suggestion was a very BAD one… sorry…
I’m not sure about what I’ve wrote… Searching Microsoft database I could find something related, but I should never adviced to delete that folder if I don’t know exactly what I was doing…
Sorry… hope I did not mess anything that bad in your computer…

Can you check this?
A New Utility for Diagnosing and Repairing Problems with the WMI Service:

:slight_smile: Hi Barr_y :

  As I have written in other threads here, just turn "OFF"
  the unreliable Windows "Security Center" .
  The box " I will manage it myself" is there for a purpose,
  so use it as you know what you are doing .

  P.S. It is my experience that "combining" Ad-Aware &
  SpywareBlaster that they together perform essentially
  what Spyware Doctor does, so see no need to have
  all 3 on the same computer ( plus do NOT have to pay
 for the "Doctor" ) .

I have tried this tactic, but it is apparently causing a hard crash in my system when Securtiy Center can’t find an anti-virus program.

Well if you have it switched OFF then why would it be searching for an AV, it shouldn’t be checking. You may need to reboot after changing the monitoring function for it to take effect, see image.

Wrote this in the other posting on the subject.

Very easy to say that spiritsongs, but that doesn’t solve the problem. We know you can turn it off, we also know we can monitor it ourselves. That would not cure the problem we have and that is what we want to solve. I also like to have three green lights to tell me it is OK. So please all we want is the cure not a solution we can manage ourselves.

Have uninstalled Spyware Doctor, because of it slowing my computer down.

It’s OK Tech I had already tried that before and deleted the repository folder, it took a couple of days before something came back into it. I am still waiting for the correct fix though to cure my Security Center. Not just turn it off because I can. I like problems fixed properly. I will look at the link later to try it if I can do it.

:slight_smile: Hi Barr_y :

  Perhaps the info at the following site will be an incentive
  to turn it "OFF" :,1759,1639276,00.asp .

Thank you for link. I read all of it plus Windows reply, it was interesting. I don’t think anybody has had trouble with WMI being taken over yet though, although it implies it is possible. I know I haven’t been affected by it. if I was, I keep everything on a spare hard drive, and would soon wipe my hard disc and reinstall Windows XP. There is so much hackers could do and it most probably would scare a lot of users unnecessarily, then again there are thousands and thousands of computers they could pick on. It still doesn’t alter the fact, that something is not working like it used to, so first I would like to fix that before I decide if I want to turn Security Center off.

:slight_smile: Hi Barr_y :

  Perhaps the info here helps : .

 Particularly :

"if you receive a Security Center alert that seems incorrect, check with your antivirus or firewall vendor to find out if the software you’re running is supported in the Security Center. "

Perhaps since Avast had a recent Program change ( to
ver 4.7.871 ) , the "Security Center" does NOT "recognize"
it !?

P.S. The link I mentioned above was from :   and its bottom paragraph .

"For more information about using antivirus and firewall software that Windows doesn’t find, read Monitor Your Firewall and Antivirus Software "

Hi Spiritsongs thank you for all your links and information. I have read them all and I do know Avast is one of the programs that the security Center does recognize. Since I deleted the repository folder contents in system32/wbem folder I haven’t been able to restart security Center to acknowledge Avast. It used to give me the exact version of Avast and it was the current one, so I know it isn’t much to do with Avasts latest update, if it was everybody else would be experiencing the same problem. It is just a few of us that are.

:slight_smile: Hi Barr_y :

  Since this now appears to be an Operating System 
 "problem" ( not that is was NOT to begin with ), I
  recommend you ask the volunteer Microsoft Most
  Valuable Professional(s) on the forums at : ; there is even  "SP2 Forum(s)", though
  they appear not to have been used in quite some time.

Thank you for all your advice Spiritsongs. I think quite frankly I will do as you suggested and monitor Avast myself and wait until the next release of Microsoft is available, to see if that cures it.
I know Avast looks after itself really well. It is something I may find the cause of in Security Center or I may not, but I will certainly keep trying until I solve this problem. If I ever do I will certainly post the cure.