Avast! forum stalled while posting this so I had to resend page and it posted it 3 times. Please delete other threads.
Hi, the problem is with Avast Free! 2014.9.0.2021 on Windows 8.1 Enterprise. Active shields: File system shield, Mail and Web shield with PUP disabled on all shields.
I download a file which is NOT a virus but Avast false detected it as a PUP. No problem, I go to virus chest → Restore and add to exclusions. File gets restored and when I open it Avast puts it back to chest and we do the whole thing over again until you see my post here. By my understanding of the word “exclude” this file should be ignored by Avast every time, everywhere… You know what I mean. How do I make Avast exclude files for real?
you say it is detected as PUP … if you turn off PUP in all shields and scan types it should not be detected
PUP is not a FP as it is not detected as malware
PUP = not virus / Possible Unwanted Program usually a file that comes bundled with some extra crap, like toolbar, adware, search engine …
Can anyone answer the original question asked? Forget about false positive, let’s just focus on that I added it to exclusions. The question is how do I actually tell Avast to EXCLUDE this file from any scan since EXCLUSION is not working?
That’s the problem. It should not be detected but it is.
Have you read the 1st post? Actually, never mind, I solved it.
Tutorial - How to add file to Avast Free! 2014.9.0.2021 exlusion list.
Go to virus chest → Right click on desired file → Restore and add to exclusions
Go to restored file, run it so Avast! detects it again
Go to virus chest → Select both detections → Right click on selection → Restore and add to exclusions → Avast displays message about adding file to Global exclusion list.