Restore system killed my Avast...

A few days ago I had to repair my microphone on my HP Notebook. I did all that it said to do with Windows Vista on how to repair it, but my last resort was to ‘System Restore’. This restore function set my computer back a month ago when my Avast Anti Virus Internet Security program was not renewed. This caused my Avast to be unsecured. How do I redownload the program without having to pay another $39.99 for it? I have the license from the program that I bought just two weeks ago, but it does not recognize the license.

I’m so frustrated by all of this. In the end, my Avast Internet Security does not work and my mic is still broken.

I already sent in a ticket 24 hours ago, but still no word on the help yet. Please help me, someone. I hate having my laptop unprotected for very long.


  1. Download avast! Internet Security:
  2. Follow instructions: (Run this tool for all prior installed avast! versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Thank you so very, very much. The license now works and Avast is up and running. Thanks again.


You’re welcome.