I’m not sure how this avast! Distributed Network Manager version works.
But in avast! for PC, storage errors could be solved changing avast4.ini file, [Common] section, item Database=ODBC to Database=XML.
This prevents the Microsoft Jet drivers from accessing the database (storage). :
I did a little tweaking of the permissions on the .\Avasr4\Data directory and if I grant Write permission to Users then it works fine.
I tried granting Write permission to just the Avast4.mdb file but that didnt resolve the issue. So there must me a few other files in the DATA directory that “Restricted Users” need write permission to in order for Avast to run.
Hi, I’m new to the world of avast so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’m having the same problems which ledhed documented some time ago. I’m using ADNM to distribute Net Client to a number of PCs on a small LAN. I’m having no trouble with ADNM or logging on as a administrator to a network machine and installing the Net Client software. The problem exists when I try to open the avast antivirus(managed) on the network machine as a limited user (Users group), it will not open, giving me the same error message ledhed quoted in the original post -
“Unknown error - avast simple user interface cannot load configuration”
I have no problem running the software under an administrator account. Also the virus scanner is running under boths types of account, its just I cant open the software to do a system scan.
Anyway, I tried changing the permissions on the Avast4/DATA folder/files like ledhed did but this has not worked for me!
Below are the specs of what I’m working with -
Windows XP SP2
ADNM 4.6.453
avast netclient 4.6.476
Has an admin EVER logged on this machine after avast installation? Could you please try logging on as admin and the again as non-admin if that makes any difference?